Anyway, I'm so very relieved that O's are really OVER. As in even the getting of the results. (: Well, I'm kinda happy with what I got, but I'm not gnar write it out here. If you're curious just ask me. All in all, I'm just praying that I get into temasek poly. :D:D Keiths&Cass, I'm coming!Hahaa. And I'm happy for my friends who did well, so proud of you. Especially CK! Hahaa, you sure showed them eh! :D You get well soon alright.
Hmm, I'm gnar upload some pics from nicky's birthday outing. :D Sorry it took this long guys.
Take a look~

I have no idea why david is looking at mich like that. LOL.
cough. Someone made En laugh so...ta da. LOL.
Uhhh huhh. lol.
Sigh. lol, pengli you really gotta stop doing what the guys ask you to do. lol~
yeap yeap, that's mich's normal face. hahaha.
dont they look sweet together. :D
okay okay, lets all do this together.
one... two.. three...
En you're gnar kill me right? xD
EN! 5 years and going love. :D
haha hello to you too handsome.
we love cai cai !
okay. next few photos is the torturing of nicky cai. LOL. i think christopher was trying to kiss him or they were trying to give him an ice-cream moustache. lol
OKAY. The end. haha.
I'm gona go watch american idol on starworld.
why did you have to leave without saying goodbye.