YooHoo. I'm
POP-ED into this world on
I studied in BalestierHillSecondarySchool.
Heading to TEMASEKpoly:D!
Loves the colour red
ADOREs my Family&Friends.
I'm Funny, Friendly and Insane.
Drop a tag before you leave and enjoy your stay here. (:
Sunday, March 30, 2008!
HandWritten on; 11:50 AM
in that tiny corner of my masochistic heart, I held on to that hope...Well ain't it a rainy weekend.
I think we'd be experiencing hell next week, since the tests are coming non stop.
Geography is definitely not one of my stronger subjects.. especially with the person 'imparting us with the knowledge'. I don't even understand what the hell is happening 3/4 of the time. People in the same class should understand what I mean.
Sigh. Reading books for me is like other people meditating to find sanctuary. Just finished one before coming to blog. 'It must be love' by Rachel Gibson. Really heart-warming book. I'd recommend to anyone who likes to read.
Though it contains a few pages of sexual parts, I think ya'll are matured enough to handle it yea? lolActually I've got nothing much to blog about.
Just pretty drained with the issues and activites that happened these few days.
It's almost as if I've been caught in a whirlwind of random thoughts nowadays, and its just driving me NUTS.
I hate the haunting thoughts that plagues my mind into the wee hours of night, I just wish they would just stop coming.
I think I'd stop here for now.
Gotta start distracting myself with other means.
migraine migraine migraine.gahs.
Sunday, March 23, 2008!
HandWritten on; 1:51 PM
First a few things to do.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MARVIN AND PENG LI!!!Hoped you enjoyed your birthday yesterday ahpeng! :DPhotos will be up soon!
AND kristi I hope you're feeling better!
Alrighty, evidently sports day is finally over and Emerald is the house champion and Sapphire is the Cheer Champ! Congrats to both houses!
Garnet good job with the cheer and man I salute to those who ran. :D
Topaz members don't be disheartened alright? You guys did a great job.
~~~ You know, long weekends aren't what they seem anymore.
I used to enjoy long weekends... Just slacking while time pass us by but now it seems like everything's so hectic and time is not on our side anymore.
Sigh. Endless homework and revision.. We ain't bionic people you know.
There was a newspaper article stating that more teens are being entered to IMH {place where people turn 'ku-ku' go to. lol} I didn't really read about it but I'm guessing the main reason is because teens are under waaaaay too much stress nowadays.
Agreed? Well I think so too.
Currently I'm struggling with my english comprehension. It ain't an easy passage I can tell ya'll that. Sigh. And there's other subjects to study for.. like that idiotic chinese... I know that I'm so gona flunk it.
Bahs, whatever already. Lol.
Seems like I'm going to be random, and talk about things I love to do.
I love biting my mum.
I love loving my parents.
I love loving my girlfriends.
I love enzyming with nia.
I love to make people laugh.
I love to hear people laugh [except for some disturbing ones].
I love to dance.
I love photography.
I love reading books.
I love going crazy with my girlfriends.
I love listening to music.
I love watching cartoons and english films.
I love laughing my heart out.
I love writing letters.
I love doodling.
Okay... That's pretty much what I can think of now. Lol. Super bored and super random I know.
Oh well.
I'll be on my way now, have blogged enough. Lol.
I'll be there when your heart stops beating.
Saturday, March 15, 2008!
HandWritten on; 12:28 AM
Why and why does love cause animosity.
I don't get it.
Okay well I do. But in some situations I really just.... Sigh.
I can't help but feel the pain for both parties. I wished ya'll could just step into each other's shoes for a moment, just that moment.... i think that'd make things slightly easier.This ain't my place to say, so I'll just stop at there.
Supernatural finally came back after one whole month of disapperance.
And that particular episode I've already watched it on AXN. Darn it.
And it has to disappear for another 2 more weeks.. wtfag.
The next episode is about dolls and a scary little girl. Omg-much? lol.
Those are the two worst elements that can be combined together. Oh well, for supernatural, I'd watch. LOL.
I'm feeling super random
and I just want to type out
love songs' lyrics.
~tonight, I celebrate my love for you~~love takes two, time after time we talk it through. cause baby i need you,~~when the stars are in her eyes, and the sun is in her smile. the only moment in my life, it has happened the same time, is when a woman loves a man~~stupid cupid you're a real mean guy, i'd like to clip your wings so you can't fly~AHS.
love songs.
love problems
love love love.
no wonder love makes the world go round.
Friday, March 14, 2008!
HandWritten on; 7:26 PM

GROUP PHOTO FROM SUNDAY. ;D Chijmes was great. Carnivore stuffed us good. lol.
I couldn't log into blog yesterday. so...
went to watch step up 2 today with Marilyn!
OHmyGOD the moves were killer and Robert Hoffman is officially my new 'actor-crush'. Though Johnny Depp is still number one. LOL.
And Briana Evigan was b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l and rocking~
Ya'll can go to this website to check out the photos.
Step up 2 made me love dancing even more and I can't wait to go to dance lessons after O's.
AND I bought their soundtrack straight after the movie. Whooos.
The movie is a definite must watch for people who love dancing, people who don't really love dancing, of course I'll still recommend this show to ya'll.
Daaaaamn nia, I wonder if you will think if Robert Hoffman is C. xD To me he ISSSSS. ;P
I'm going off.
dance and lose control.
Friday, March 07, 2008!
HandWritten on; 8:17 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MAEEEE AND WENLONG! ;DCAN'T wait to meet marilyn cher shi hui tomorrow.
It's been like a month since we last met.
i know you misssssss me. LOL.And neither can i wait for sunday. Whooos.
and well,
THE MARCH HOLS ARE HERE.... Which don't really mean a shit for us secondary 4 students... LOL.
We're like going back to school every other day for remedial. Daaaamn. But oh well, for O's.. We don't really have much of a choice do we?
oh yea, FOUR E TWO PEEPS... The class outing is on
tuesday {11 march} and we're going to sentosa. Any enquires please ask jun ru. Haha. Please try to come! ;D if i know any more info ... I'll let ya'll know aites. ;DAnyways, I'm off to do... Well i don't exactly know what but IM GOING. LOL.
and nia! its good to have my assy back in school. whoooos. LOL.enzyme times are the besty. muahahs.i dont care what they say. i'm in love with you.