YooHoo. I'm
POP-ED into this world on
I studied in BalestierHillSecondarySchool.
Heading to TEMASEKpoly:D!
Loves the colour red
ADOREs my Family&Friends.
I'm Funny, Friendly and Insane.
Drop a tag before you leave and enjoy your stay here. (:
Friday, November 30, 2007!
HandWritten on; 9:42 PM
WOW. Attended c.o for the first time in like... i don't know how long. Haha, there was one new instructor. Interesting looking. Not like the other instructors bah i can say.. lol
Oh wells, today was ludicrous yet hilarious at the same time. THE WHOLE CELLO SECTION, i was the only one that attended today. W-O-W right. Lol... Oh wells, it was interesting.
En and peng was having a fun time l-o-l-ing me. Esp peng. Grr! Hahaa, anyway i hope you two liked the present. ;X
Oh damm, Supernaturnal's starting soon! Gotta go!
said i'll always be your friend.took an oath ima stick it out till the end.
HandWritten on; 12:42 AM
WHEES. (; im finally back. and the photos are uploaded. i cannot possibly upload all of them here cause its around 150 pictures! I think i will upload until i ki siao . haha.
Well, enjoy the photos, especially the retarded ones. kania i know you will like that. LOL.
Thailand was nice, can say the trip was very fruitful. Haha, bought like TONS of skull stuff, happiness. Haha, really enjoyed it with marilyn, but i really missed singapore as well. My heart is bursting with happiness 'cause im back home. And that i can finally go out with my friends again and especially hear his voice and meet up with him too~ xD
Most of the day at thailand are shopping, so the photos are either taken while eating, or in the night when we have nothing to do. haha. Oh well, YES! I REMEMBERED something, marilyn gets way tooooooo high when she has coffee. SO, friend's of marilyn, don't give her coffee if you dont plan to get high. Hahaa, she really can get very crazy. Shes like hysterically hilarious. Whahaha, well, her "diesease" was infectious so in time i also got high. But sadly the energy was short lived. (x
At bangkok... i've become a nocturnal animal lah. Every night sleep so late, around like 3 plus singapore time. The first night i couldnt sleep so i slept around 4 plus? i think? Haha, im just like a panda bear now lah. Goodnessssssss! But the shopping was worth it. Haha!
Marilyn also bought a lot of the things she wanted, happy marilyn. LOL.
The only day we didnt really shop was on saturday, went to the temple to pay visit to the monk. {for those who know my full name and the story behind it, yea its that same monk who gave me that name}
Usually, his temple has a lot of puppies, but this time there weren't even 2! I only saw one. So sad. But when we went to the other temple { the picture that has alot of fishes, around there } there were alot of cats and dogs! The dog photos very ke lian right? We dont even see those kind of dogs in singapore. I think even if there were dogs like those in Sg, they would have been caught already. Sigh, poor unfortunate souls. But the cats were well breed, well, the main reason is cause the head monk there loves cats, he ADORES them. Haha, so you kinda get the picture.
The fishes were terribly hungry. Haha, see, we buy some food stuff [like bread] from the people there, and we feed the fishes. The money sort of goes to charity. I think! lol. Anyway, marilyn and i had so much fun feeding the fish. There are 3 videos, so i'll upload them if i can. (;
Tomorrow attending c.o {after sooooooo long. LOL} gonna meet up with en first. Yayness.
Alrighty then, i'll blog tmr or smth, now im just gnar enjoy listening to him play dota. LOL.
bye loves!
Thursday, November 29, 2007!
HandWritten on; 9:37 PM
Photobucket Album

Thursday, November 22, 2007!
HandWritten on; 12:31 AM
Goodness, right now, im packing for tmr. Totally no mood and my tears are seriously threatening to overcome me! GAHS! I hate this kinda feelg. I know im only going for a few days but im really gonna miss people. Alot of people. T.T & having to think im gnar experience this in dec doesn't really help. Sigh. I wish i could stay in singapore. That i dont need to go.
that my heart needn't ache so much for you, sigh. Wow, first time in quite a longgggggg time, i'm feeling very emo~ Oh wells. =/ Not that i have a choice now. Haah. I'll really be missing you guys tons! Don't worry i'll shop for presents there alright? haha.
Hmm, heres a little something for that special someone. (x
i'll definately be missing you alot.get ready for a humongous hug when im back.im so proud to be able to call you my boy. (;you're definately one of the best things that ever happened to me.i will try to call if i can when im over at thailand.Hahaa, G.S.T baby. always going up and never down.Every little thing you do makes me smile {like a lil infatuated 9year old girl looking at the guy she adores}Haha, heres a small part from Never Gone by the backstreet boys, for you my love;Though the distance that's between usNow may seem to be too farIt will never separate usDeep inside, I know you areNever gone, never farIn my heart is where you areAlways close, everydayEvery step along the wayEven though for now we've got to say goodbyeI know you would be forever in my lifei'll be missing you so much.iloveyou.-xoxoOKAYY... now for the rest {my so many lovable girlfriends like en,vic,xuan,cass,and others} i'll be missing ya girls ALOT. Cant wait to be able to go out with ya girls when im back. haha, Cass darlg, we'll make that date! haha. We've been trying to find a day to go since i dont know when, this time, we'll make real alright? i hope~ haha.
xuan! you study hard kay, this jie is supporting you all the way. ((; then we can go shopping! or maybe window shopping first lar hor. haha.
vic sweetie, im sorry to leave you at c.o alone! i'll make it up to you when im back k? x) loves!
en, GAAAHS, so soon i have to leave ler, when im back, we shall really really go out and window shop too okay? hehe. im gnar miss you like HELL. loveeeeeeeeeeeeeya. XD
SO... this is it. im going to stop here and wont be back till 27 [ next tue ] .
Wednesday, November 21, 2007!
HandWritten on; 6:29 PM
NOOOOO, going off tmr to bangkok already. So soon... T.T I'm a bit reluctant to leave, since i am so gonna miss all of ya'll. I don't want to go for the trip in december too. =/ Which is to Cambodia and Vietnam. {Ratana i dont wnar see you. LOL kidding haha}
Anyway! Yesterday was my first time at ICQ.com . Erm, i think that place should be renamed as P.F.S.D.P. which means Place For Sexually Deprived People. Lol. BUT BUT BUT.
BUT!!! There are some nice people from ICQ, i met a few, one from egypt, another from israel.
They were the decent guys who didnt talked to me about any sexual topics. Haha. Seriously, the MAIN topics in ICQ, when guys approach girls, they would start to say somethings like, "hey wanna cyber?" or "hey are you sexy?" or "hey are you tall and beautiful?" OR [even more direct] "Do you have big b_easts?"
I was literally awe-struck by these people. My god, what's more the ages of these people really have a huge range. There are 13 year olds to like 40 year olds. Wow right? And 8 out of 10 people who talked to me were trying to talk to me about sex. GOODNESS.
But there are really some nice people from ICQ, rare cases though. Haha.
So many different kinds of people from different part of the world.
The internet really makes the world seem smaller.
It is amazing how different people from other countries think, especially about the "sex" topic. People from very young ages already done it. Enlightening aint it. Hmm.
But well, i respect their different kinds of mindset, just that i am pretty taken aback by what age they start having ... ya know. haha.
Alrighty, my channel 8 show is gnar start soon, so maybe later ill just put some blogthings quizzes. Haha, im gnar go tveeee now!
Takecare ya'll !
unbelievable sights,indescribable feelings,soaring, tumbling, freewheeling,through an endless diamond sky.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:33 PM
BLOGGG. i miss you. Hahaa.
Long time didnt update cause my previous blog's html had some problems when i upload photos, so... finally decided to use blogger's skins, should be no problems from now onwards. *hurray* Hahaha.
The chalet photos are finally uploaded! As you guys can see in my previous post. Sorry about the arragement, the post was lagging alot and i was super lazy to arrange the photos, so yea, the photos at the bottom most are the first day luh. Just enjoy the photos, hahaha. There are so many more photos that i feel like uploading but its really way too many. Sorry loves. Haha.
Anyway! In two days time i'll be going to Bangkok with my parents and marilyn. Hahaa, hope can enjoy like crazy and buy alot things. I won't forget to buy for you guys alright? (;
Hmm, been doing nothing much these few days, just slacking around. Missing chalet. xD Goodness, suddenly just looking at these photos.. im having a nostalgic feeling. Ahs! Next year next year. After O's, we'll go CRAZY alright guys! ;DD
Can't wait~
Alrightys i was wasting too much time trying to figure out how to do some stuff with the new blogskin.
OKAY. gotta go, will update tmr! promise! (;
BYEloves. heehess
Monday, November 12, 2007!
HandWritten on; 7:49 PM