You are a Romantic Realist |
![]() You are the best of both worldsGirly yet independent, dreamy yet serious.Almost any guy can find balance with you. |
You Are Occasionally a Jerk Magnet |
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okay, i was bored. shoot me. lols
Today i went out with ANGELINE, kania, en hui, nicky, marcus and pengli.
It has been AGES since we last saw angeline in person. goodness girl, you better eat or else the next time we see ya, we... may not be able to see you. lols.
BUT it was lovely to see you! Haha, i'll be staring at the neos and smiling to myself. LOL. goodness dont worry, i'm not a bisexual case ait? haha. Hmm, today went to watch the seeker, overally it was quite nice. I'm so not saying anything about the show 'cause i don't wnar wreck the excitment for ya'll who wanna catch the movie.
After the movie, walked to PS and played arcade. Haha, marcus and nicky went home first then enhui.
Then left angel, nia and me. Hmm, around 7plus, left them and went to meet my parents at wisma.
Walked from morning 11plus till 8plus. Omfg. Lols. My legs are currently not functioning properly. BUT, the day was worth it, since we got to see YOU, ANGELINE, again. (x okay my screws are really loose now, forgive me for the lost of my sanity alright. Haahs.
once i scan the neos.. ill upload bah. haha
But super lazy now. xD so sorry loves.
oh yea. i forgot to do this yesterday..
hahahaa. ima lunatic i know.
BUT, im looking at my holiday homework and my eyes are poping out of their sockets. Oh well, not planning to start on them sooooo soon yet.
Hmm, im quite satisfied by my EOY results bahs. Overally everything passed. Yay-ness.
But super tyco de sia. Oh well, next year is crucial year.
My sec4 friends! I'm praying for your good results for O's and good luck for every single paper alright? I've got faith in you guys that you'll do very well for O's. (; Don't over stress out alright.
And for my sec 3 friends, THE YEAR IS FINALLY OVER. But we shall strive for O's next year alright??? We are gonna do our best and prove to, not only our parents and teachers and friends that we can do it but also most importantly, OURSELVES! (; I've faith in every single one of you guys. Ya'll are really very intelligent people, just work hard and i'm sure you'll know what im trying to say. I LOVE 3E2'07 !!! LOL. random. i know. XD
Alrighty, i've nothing much to blog for now.
Kinda brain-dead. huahaha.
Im going to go... slack, tv. Dont know. xD BYE LOVES.
you're never gnar affect me,
you and her both, haha.
i think you two are a match made in heaven.
& trust me, that isnt a compliment. Haaah.
You can try to intimidate me, BUT
that aint gnar happen.
You wanna throw something at me?
DO it openly la. No balls? hahaha.
oh well, Its been fun messing with you both.
All i can say, what goes around comes around,
both of you will get what you deserve. (;
& lastly, {: HAAH.