YooHoo. I'm
POP-ED into this world on
I studied in BalestierHillSecondarySchool.
Heading to TEMASEKpoly:D!
Loves the colour red
ADOREs my Family&Friends.
I'm Funny, Friendly and Insane.
Drop a tag before you leave and enjoy your stay here. (:
Monday, August 27, 2007!
HandWritten on; 7:20 PM
Normally, i wouldn't give a shit about you.
Though nowadays it seems like i keep bumping into you, which is kinda getting on my nerves.
Sucha huge school, yet i still can see you even when i decide to go to the washroom.
Ain't the world small or what.
Last time, i still could cope with seeing you around. Yet i'm not too sure why now, whenever i see you, my blood starts to boil.
Seriously, i would have long trashed you on my blog last time, but because of someone, i decide not too.
The actions that you did last time were obviously inacceptable, i ask people about it and they agreed with me. I'm amazed why i never said anything about it in the past.
Tsk. Maybe it's my fault, but YOU as a person should know when to BACK OFF. Hmm, maybe you're lacking alot in common sense. Yea if you are then i can't blame you huh?
You're just starting to be a reaaaaaal pain, i jolly hope it won't get worse, if not, don't blame me for being nasty.
I'm can be an extreme bitch to the people that i dislike.
no kidding.you may be thinking like... what i did? what the hell is this bitch talking about?
Well, i'd love to say it out.
Maybe it's my moodswings that is getting me so heated up, but hey, i already didn't like you after somethings that i knew.
So yea, w-h-a-t-e-v-e-r ? Haha.
Sunday, August 26, 2007!
HandWritten on; 12:16 AM



The first picture is of our 3e2 peeps outside class during chinese lesson!!(;
wonderful right. hahaha. so many never do work Xd
2nd&3rd picture is for WDLF!(; the 3rd picture, is the first thing wdlf ever bought for me! hahaha. told ya i'd woke up earlier. ;p
The next three photos is taken on saturday, with marilyn. (;
myyyy sexy love. LOL.
THENN. the last few FOOOOOOD photos were taken in the night, with my family and relatives. Went out to have seaaaafood.
HeHeHe. I'm sorry to those people, who are EXTREMELY FAMISHED, and coincidentally view those images. =X
The food was scrumptious!
& that night was the first night i had a detailed chat with my cousin's gf, april.
An extremely nice person and well, i didn't felt left out during this family gathering! Yay-ness. Haha.
my aunt was like telling us all about her china trip.
The toilets there are extremely ..... Hmmm... Open? lol?
and the hotels are.... *thumbs up?* hahaa.
Though i know they had fun at china xD
SO... the fun parts sort of over rules the bad parts. *grins*
My hands aren't cooperating very well already. So i'm just gonna stop here.
Nights loves.
gotta button my lips;so the truth don't slip.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007!
HandWritten on; 7:22 PM
Divorce.That word gives me the creeps; the chills.
It makes the hair on my back stand.
It makes one feel... despondent.
Well, my mother's friend [i call her aunt anw] had to listen to her husband say that word to her.
When i heard this from my mother, i think my jaw literally dropped to the ground. They appeared to be such a compatible couple. I would never expect their problems would lead them to divorce.
It's like... Obviously every couple will have problems here and there, but i never thought their's was so serious.
And my uncle {my aunt's soon to be ex-husband} has a mistress outside. And that mistress is from china. -_- IM NOT DISCRIMATING CHINA PPL ALRIGHT. DO NOT mistaken what i'm saying. I've friends who are from china and they're REALLY nice people ALRIGHT. Just the minority of some china women.... Really gets on my nerves.
It's like.. my aunt's friend went to tell her off, and she has the freaking guts to say; I'm not breaking them up what, is they no more feelings already. They in the car also can quarrel, where got feelings.
O_O like wtf ? Who the hell can be so proud of successfully stealing a husband and still be so.... high and mighty about it? Grrs. Can't stand her. Personally, i felt like flinging a jug at that woman when i heard my mum talk about her.
Revolting behaviour. Arghs. Seriously, im so aghast by my uncle. I never expected him to be the... keep a mistress type. & still have the face to tell my aunt that it ain't gnar work out between them and they should just file for divorce. Sigh.
Disappointed. Really.
And they have like... 4 children. =/
Well, luckily most of them are grown up & obviously, they're on their mum side on this.
From this... I'm like thinking.. Is there no good men left in this world? No faithful men? I'm sorry if i judge too quickly. But i've seen about 2 divorces cases which i never expected. It's so disheartening. It's like the men that i read from my storybooks, don't exist anymore. Okay for your information, i don't read fairytale books alright?
It's more to the fiction side.. But the men in my books are MODERN men. Not those knights in shiny armour in those olden centuries alright? Haha.
But yea, it's like... So unexpected. Sigh.
ANY GUYS that read this post, and ain't liking the way i JUDGE them, be my guest and tag at my tagboard to tell me your opinions. I'd be more than glad to see some guys stand up for their rights and PROVE to me that there
ARE STILL faithful guys out there.
I'd really like to see that. Haha.
Anyway.. enough of that. I PASSED BIO. Yay. Lol.
And today actually wanted to go and do art.
But mrs tan said that the teachers were having contact time there, so.... bo bian lor, cant do anything. So nia, en, kris and me went to lido to watch
secret. oh my goodness.
En and I were crying like BABIES. xD
The show was reaaaaaaally touching. I can't exactly tell you about it, cause it's quite confusing unless you watch it yourself. Seriously... It's a nice movie. I'm ELATED that i could cry. LOL.
I haven't weeped like today in a very extremely long time.
If you want to have a good cry, go watch secret. (;
i'm gnar go slack. (;
bye loves.
wnar know a secret?i...love...you.{;
Tuesday, August 21, 2007!
HandWritten on; 7:15 PM
Your way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over
Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you suicidal, suicidal
When they say it's over
See it started at the park
Used to chill after dark
Oh when you took my heart
That's when we fell apart
Cause we both thought
That love lasts forever (lasts forever)
They say we're too young
To get ourselves sprung
Oh we didn't care
We made it very clear
And they also said
That we couldn't last together (last together)
See it's very divine, girl
one of a kind
But you mush up my mind
You walk to get declined
Oh Lord...
My baby is driving me crazy
Your way to Beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over
Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you suicidal, suicidal
When they say it's over
It was back in '99
Watchin' movies all the time
Oh when I went away
For doin' my first crime
And I never thought
That we was gonna see each other (see each other)
And then I came out
Mami moved me down South
Oh I'm with my girl
Who I thought was my world
It came out to be
That she wasn't the girl for me (girl for me)
See it's very divine, girl
one of a kind
But you mush up my mind
You walk to get declined
Oh Lord...
My baby is driving me crazy
Your way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over
Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you suicidal, suicidal
When they say it's over
Now we're a fussin'
And now we're a fightin'
Please tell me why
I'm feelin' slightly
And I don't know
How to make it better (make it better)
You're datin' other guys
You're tellin' me lies
Oh I can't believe
What I'm seein' with my eyes
I'm losin' my mind
And I don't think it's clever (think it's clever)
You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal, suicidal
-beautiful girls by sean kingston
ANDDD that singer {sean kingston} is only 17years old! Haha. That song is really kinda nice, should go and check out the video. (;
TODAAAY, hmmm, starting of the day was having my moodswings already -_-. I apologise to those people if i sort of attitude-d, wasn't on purpose.
&& kania and en. sorry that i didn't go with you two to sushi teh. really no cashhh luh, and lucky never go. I was SUPERBLY bloated. I only ate ice cream and fries with kristi just now.KRISTI WAS ON AN ICE CREAM SPREE SIA! LOL. you know. she ate ben and jerry's already, then went on to mini melts THEN still take a few bites out of kenny's ice cream. We saw kenny and max and that girl at united. lol.
Anyway, KANIA! Kristi says she wants to go to the ice cream buffet LOL. hahaha.
She says this month she craze ice cream, next month cake. LOL en hui, next month you go crazy with her luh kay. (x
Today... Hmm.. Got back our Amaths test. DAMM, if only i had done the graph.. *curses* ...
Though passed.. But if only!! Haha, oh well, nvm, at least i passed. I wasn't expecting a pass. Tomorrow get back bio test paper. Jia lat. Imagine... 2 pieces of paper.. 65marks. O_O right. hahaa, oh well, we'll see.
SAFETY. YOU BIGGGG HUMONGOUS PIGGG. sleep sleep sleep. Kristi tried to wake you up sooooo long. lol. hilarious la you. Next time don't sleep too late alright? lols.
HMM, nothing much to blog about already.
OH YA. before i forget.
ERM, oh yea. 3e2-rians, drop me a tag to suggest some colors you want for the class tee.
& the chalet location.
i REAAAALLY hope you guys will be enthu about this alright?
we're gnar spend 2 years together, so lets make our last 2 years in sec sch happy, fun and unforgettable alright!! (;
poke somemore.
poke and poke.
xD today your DADDY very l-o-l la. keep torturing kristi. Lols.
crazy already. i think he gets high when he is with you hor.
i haven't seen him laugh like that, in a long longg longggggg time. xD
i still love you guys tons. hahaha ;DD
who will take me
over sideways and under,
on a magic carpet ride.
who'd be the one
to create a whole new world together with me.
Sunday, August 19, 2007!
HandWritten on; 12:51 AM
i wanted to upload photos.
but i tried already, just now. Then the whole post was damm screwed up.
Too lag already.
I uploaded 39 photos just now. LOL.
Man, nevermind.
I'd try again another time.
WDLF-IST!don't be frustrated already kay.
smile and the whole world smiles with you.
frown and jessie lam will poke you to your death. LOLLLLLL.
It was nice seeing you all at sucha late time today.
reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally want it. ;{
we shall find one time to drink alright.
we are FISH-ISTs!
kukuuuuuuuuuuus. LOL. hahaha.
i have something to tell you again. =/
sigggggggggggggggggggggggggh. i really wonder when their problems will come to an end.
oh kania.
i forgot.
& you left your footprints on my heart.
Thursday, August 16, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:03 PM
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without
Drew talks to me,
I laugh cause it's so damn funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night
[Chorus:]He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause
[Repeat Chorus]
So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough for me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see.
teardrops on my guitar by taylor swift.HELLOOOOOOOOO. Oh my god. I
miss blogging!
Goodness, there are so many things to blog about.
Alright, firstly!
okay ANYWAY, last week was a blast!
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KRISTI. LOLwell, i'm not gnar put ALL of the photos here, but i'd put a few random ones in another post. Cause if i upload photos now, i think my post would be affected. Haha.
Hmm, this week, had bio test. Oh my GOD, that was a crazy test. 65marks, 4pages. Lol, so not gnar pass it. Haha.
& we had a debate in class, personally i love to watch debates and like to be in one if the script is prepared properly... Which was the direct opposite of what we did. LOL.
The motion was; ''School rules should be abolished in order to encourage creativity among students. Do you agree?''
Charlie's group was the oppostition and my group was the preposition.
Hmm, charlie's group did some sort of preparing. But everyone was distracted when SOMEONE in our class {i really dont know who} started to talk about R_n_e's eyebrows. LOL. You know, you may be reading this and cursing me but i really mean no offence. LOL. Just that the actions our classmates were coming up with were HILARIOUS. lol. Everyone had their funny parts, except stuart. Stuart's one was really nothing to laugh about cause, as the fourth speaker, he summarised everything nicely, so nothing much about there. LOL. WELL, all in all, i just love debates (;
Alright, now what im gnar say is just what i kinda feel about friends, AS IN, from my own experience and my other friends' experience.
THIS ISN'T REFERRING TO ANYONE! it is just some random things which i feel like blogging about. really, this isn't referring to anyone at all.Hmm, friends, what's your defination of friends?
You might be amazed by the amount of different answers. ;]
Some say friends are just acquaintances.
Some say friends are priceless treasures.
Some say friends are just people to mix around with in school.
Some say friends are people whom we can trust, whom we know, whom we can depend on them for support, who accepts us for who we are.
But you know, trust is definately the hardest thing to build up in a friendship. Not only friendship, any KIND of relationships. For some people, it's easy for them to trust other people. For others... it's not that easy. Cause some people have been betrayed or maybe met with some painful friendship problems so they will have to take much longer time to trust someone.
Though i find, the most painful way a friend can hurt another friend, is by backstabbing. =/ Or trusting another person more than a friend that you've known longer. Sometimes just small little gestures from friends can either make you grin like a total idiot, or cry till your whole pillow is soaked, or angry till you want to punch the wall.
You really have to count your blessings if the friends you're having know are trustable and are always there for you. Like my 3 dummies, (; i love you three many many. & obviously some other of my closer friends, i thank you all and i love you guys loads too [; for always being there for me. Esp those three dummies, i know i said this one two many times but I LOVE YOU GIRLS LOADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDS. I'll tell you more about why i blogged this on monday alright? {;
and the best advice i can give to people who have having problems? {e.g. friends/gfbf}
talk to each other, you know, most of the time, 8 out of 1o times, its a misunderstanding. Really, talking things out really do help. It takes alot of guts and it's pressurising at times but the outcome can sometimes be worth it. ;]
I'm sorry that i've crapped alot. Haha. My moodssssss . xD
Anyway yay!
Tomorrow going to go shopping and arcading with marilyn. He He He. ;D
Shall stop here for now.
will upload the photos if i can.