YooHoo. I'm
POP-ED into this world on
I studied in BalestierHillSecondarySchool.
Heading to TEMASEKpoly:D!
Loves the colour red
ADOREs my Family&Friends.
I'm Funny, Friendly and Insane.
Drop a tag before you leave and enjoy your stay here. (:
Tuesday, June 26, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:52 PM
I'm sittin' here all by myself
just tryin' to think of something to do
Tryin' to think of something, anything
just to keep me from thinking of you
But you know it's not working out
'cause you're all that's on my mind
One thought of you is all it takes
to leave the rest of the world behind
Plain White t's lyrics. Hahas. I'm starting to like their songs more and more. Especially this song and hey dililah. (; Sigh, haha, second day of school. Only had 4hours of sleep yesterday & thus, im totally wiped out today.
Anyway, sorry people for my moodswings today. It was absolutely horrible so sorry. T.T I just had some personally issues that were troubling me.
Oh wells. Lols.
Today after school, SO SORRY KANIA AND ENHUI. sorry for ps-ing you two. T.T
Just had something to settle. lols.
though i liked what happened. x:its for me to know and me to know only. lols.im going off people. Nights loves.
victoria honey, reply the letter soon alrights? =c love you!i dont want to reduce myself to tears every single time.this girl's heart aint made of steel.and neither is she superwoman. though she wants to help all of her friends, but...its just impossible. im trying, so hard. but im dying slowly inside already.im sorry people.=/
Monday, June 25, 2007!
HandWritten on; 7:21 PM
When theres sunshine, we'll shine together. Told you i'll be here forever, said i'll always be your friend. Took an oath ima stick it out till the end.
Today's the first day of school. Man it feels weird being back in school after so so long. Its giving me weird vibes but happy vibes at the same time. Hahas. Could see kania and kristi first thing in the morning was GREAT. (; Though finding out who was our new mentor was a pain. I really absolutely didn't like her. It only takes 2 minutes for someone to give another person a first impression of themselves, and she runined hers in less than a minute. Grrs. Can't stand teachers who think being strict and having the "mindset" that you're teachers so you're like; all that?! Arghs. Absolutely detests those kinds. But its only the first day, so... We'll see. Haha.
Well, the first day of school was kinda nice, though we are really gonna miss Mr Tan when he leaves. T.T sighs.
Anyway, it was nice to be back at school, seeing classmates and everyone else. Haha. Though it was kinda tough to see someone. Sighs. Crazy heart goes aching again. Great, hate it when that happens. Its like emo-ness is taking over me and i can't do any f*cking thing about it. Arghs. What the hell. I hate hate hate feeling like this. Its making me feel so vunerable to anything. GAHS. I know a few of you know how i feel, sigh. I need mummy for advice already. Lols. Cya later sweethearts.
oh yes.
remember your thermometers alrights?Those who are fated to meet, shall meet, come what may.
Friday, June 22, 2007!
HandWritten on; 7:48 PM
just went to tighten my braces today. and changed the rubber colour from pink... to red! hahas yay.
hmmms, ytd went out with en hui, marilyn, brian gor and his gf, kunleng and lian feng [well, these were the planned few but came along a guy called yuler and stanley. lol]
hmm, the outg was quite ok lahs. nothing much to say about it. the same old thing, went to marina, ate, arcade-d and walked to suntec and arcade-d again. lols~
alright. you know nowadays. in msn there are those kinda cigerattes names popping out? the two main ones that i see is marlboro and viceroy. i kinda find it quite irritating. its already bad that you're smoking at this age, still need to show to ppl that you like it meh? wth... -_-
i wont go on or else its really gna get offensive and ppl wont like it. so ill just stop there.
its kinda saddening. to see my friends smoke. i want to stop them, but some of them are smoking to an extent that they cant stop. and some of my friends are like saying; yes yes. i promise you ill stop smoking, i promise you k?
sigh. i wish you would keep that promise. either keep it or tell me that you cant keep it. im tiring of having empty promises already. its hard enough to see you all smoking, its even harder to see you all smoke and inside my heart im thinking;
i thought you promised. hais. its heartaching you know. well, ppl can say that; aiya. smoke only a few sticks, nothing will happen de la! why you think so much? =/
the truth is, smoking at this age does harm your body one way or another. it kills your stamina as you should already had noticed. then if you get addicted to it, you like must a lil bit a lil abit must smoke ler. then.... some even better, can complain no money then still go smoke. wth.
i nag not cause im your mum, i nag cause im your friend and i dont want to see ya'll get hurt. but if ya'll think thats too much.... then im sorry. i shouldnt have bugged into your businesses. T.T
sigh. anyway. today went to shop at marina again. went to
mango's big sale! haha. managed to buy 4 tops. wheeeheees. oh yes. talking about tops, THANKYOULAOBEAR.for that cute lil tee you bought for me as a birthday present. iloveit! xDD thankyouuuuuu!lol! ok... hmm, nth much already huh.
ive vented my sadness and frustrations already. haha. now gna go watch dvd! then later at 1opm...
ghost whisperer! i highly recommand this show to ppl to watch! its on channel 5 every friday. its kinda of a ghost show but.. not that scary. haha. try it. (;
love ya ppl. takecareeeeeees.
the most wasted day in life is the day in which we have not laughed.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007!
HandWritten on; 12:36 PM
still wishing i was in bed. lol.
well! today is like erm... the 6th day after my opt. and my face is like finally ok! though there are still a few small parts at my chin area which still hurts when you touch them with some amount of strength.
ytd went shopping with enhui and marilyn! at marina square.
hmm, bought earings at diva and a mini skirt and top at topshop. heeehs.
played at the arcade too. and guess who we met! yiwen and yi nuo ! omg~ its been like dont know how many 656790219865 years since marilyn and i have seen them! well, yinuo became taller [what a surprise...not. LOL] , yi wen became skinner! damm, doesnt yinuo feed you?! lols. well it was good to see them again. hahas. oh yes, this reminds me, any mts peeps going back to mts on teachers day? lols. jusssssst asking.
hmmm, then also saw liting at marina[heeeeeeehs], then when we about to go back, saw yuhong. lol. the ppl we met that day, the feelg to me was !!!?!??! lols. cause i seldom see them outside. interesting day though. haaahs. nice to see all of 'em . ;D
hmmms, oh yes as you can see, ive done some edits to the blog. the new picture. haha, nice right?
marilyn helped me to edit the amazing pictures i found at deviant art . xD
thankyoumaemae!then i also edit a the post's border. haha.
god. im bored at home.
have tuition at 5. finally can ask my teacher about amaths. lol.
hmmm this is gna be reaaaaaaaall random of me to suddenly say this:
i reaaaally like avril now. lols. i think i love almost all of her new album's song. whats more, the punkrock image she portrays... im totally loving it. haha.
godness im bored to my bones. i think im gna find smth else to do. lol!
before i go.
bye loves.
ill dance till my sanity is gone.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007!
HandWritten on; 11:46 PM
today was an alright day.
went to study with dear dear marilyn.
haha kinda the first time we succeeded in studying and doing our homework.
managed all of these at starbucks! the one at united square. hahas.
went to novena around 3?
then went to walk around square two and novena.
after the walks, proceeded to eat at kfc! finally got to eat fish ole! x)
then kenny came and surprise us. hehes.
talked with him for around 3omins.
its been a long time since i last talked to him like that.
kenny is a nice boy. haha. for those ppl who thinks hes not, you're mistakened. lols
sometimes, its better to let your heart judge a person rather than judging them with what you see.
anw i gotta go.
wanted to blog more but.
gotta rest cause tmr im extracting my bloody 6teeth.
god~ lols.
hopefully nothing will happen.
love you ppl.
anw i decided to end every post with a quote. if i can remember to do that everytime la. lols
Love is falling asleep dreaming of the one that makes you smile. Love is waking up smiling about the one you dream of.anw these quotes are taken from some websites here and there. lols
Tuesday, June 12, 2007!
HandWritten on; 7:23 PM
ok i was being retarded. muahahas. xD its been a longgggg time since i last felt this happy. hahas. all thanks to my LOVELY FRIENDS.
heehs. well, yesterday i went to marina, with marcus first.
the rest were sort of late, cause they had last minute things to do before coming.
well, both of us ate at macdonales, then en hui came! heeehs.
we proceeded to kbox! haha, the price was quite cheap sias.
around 19$ per person. unlimted time. whoo! haha.
hmm, then me en and marcus went to room 23 . then we were like......O_O
cause me and en were trying to figure out how to operate the system.
huahaha. super hilarious sias. then marcus and en was like asking me to sing. LOL.
wah lao. i sound super bad so i didnt want to. then marcus was like; its either you sing in front of two people. or later you have to sing in front of 5 ppl.
gaaahs! lols. still i didnt want to sing. haha.
then soooooon, mich nicky and rong jie appeared! with a present! LOL. i was kinda shocked cause didnt expect them to get a present. haha. aw but it was sweet of them to get one. heeehs. THANKS AGAIN GUYS!
so they started to DIAN GE, and got quite high. haha. they sang songs like: songs by michael learns to rock, barbie girl, kiss goodbye, macarena, songs by celine dion, SEXBOMB, mambo no.5, m2m songs, mickey, we will rock you, songs by backstreet boys and like hell loads more which i cant rmb! lols sorry for the memory loss. heehs
see see;
after these two pictures, cldnt take already cause they really started to sing and i think the flash was quite blinding. haha.
well, i think after like.... 1 hour plus or 2 hours, en hui wanted to excuse herself to the washroom.
i went with her la.... after that come back in not long, she said she needed to go again, then mich was like pushing the mic to my face to ask me to sing so i was...... ok...... lols?
i was singing for quite a few songs and i was starting to wonder where the hell is en hui.
lols. then nicky received a call... hmmm. haha.
then suddenly en hui came in with a CAKE. OMG!
wah piang, then they started to sing the birthday song to me . luckily i was feelg high if not i think i wld cry ler. lols!
see see, here is where the picture taking starts! haha.
our family photos! ;)
you know, i look super retarded in this photo, but i dont care, cause it has been a long long time since i last smiled like that. =) thank you you guys and en hui! haha.
just look at the beautiful cake. haha, en hui has good taste as ALWAYS. =DDD
after the eating of cake! picutre takingg !
this picture has the cutest story behind it. michael was PRETENDING to take photo with nicky. then when he counted 1,2,3. he moved away and heres nicky! hahaha
this is how much mich loves nicky. LOOK at how bliss nicky is. haha.
hahaha. now see how happy rongjie is. BUT NICKY YOU NEVER KISS! grr. lols
ahhh, the handsome michael . XDDD hahaha.
en was trying to tickle nicky! lols.
grp photo! lols.
you couldnt see it from this photo, but nicky was like placing his legs on mine and en's legs i think. LOL. hahaa.
me and my DARLG. waaaaaaah adore her like siao. haha
me and MARCUS. whehehe. =)
our two singers while we were taking photos. =)
nicky had the luckiest day. haha
nicky was trying to do smth fuuuuuunny. LOL. luckily i held his hand. if not.... here goes my face. LOL
hahaa. =DD
then after this we wanted to go and play pool
but then needed ic which was of 16years and above. T.T
nvm then we played arcade!
lols. they took a snap shot.... lol
dammmmmmm. LOL
then i had my revenge. hahaha
haha mich and nicky quite liked to play this guitar freak game. =))
hmm after this photo no more photos ler.
=x cause we were damm concentrating on the games. hahaha.
then we played for about 3o-4o mins then we went back!
everything was perfect except for mich's lost. T.T im sorry mich. =c really wished i cld help. sigh.
anw after that i went to meet my parents at united to have swensens! ;))
here is the present that the guys got me. soooo cute!!!!!!!!
and here the present en kania and kristi bought for me. XDDDD
i think im in love with this BAGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. *screams*
hhaha thanks sweeeeeties.
and here are some photos from my sat small party at my aunt's house.
the durian cake!
the ice cream cake!
the two happy house pressie from my cousin and his gf. thankyou!^^
and this present is from VINCENT! THANKYOUUU. iloveit! haha its beautiful la vin. i appreciate what you did for me. heehs.
and lastly me being ZILIAN. LOL

okay! tats that. haha.
and guys, thank you for everything on my birthday. haha. haaaaaaaad loads of fun. =)
and thank you ppl for the sweet texts and testimonials. hahas.
my friend are my sweet escape.
Sunday, June 03, 2007!
HandWritten on; 3:08 PM
finally, hahaha.
its been like ages since i last blogged. haha.
goodness. now its the holidays ya'll! haha. kick back, relax, but remember to do your homework. hahas.
god i sound like a mother. xD
anw, ive been fine. thanks for some concerned comments. hahs.
i love you , you girls~ hahas.
hmm, its been a while. i still cant get you out of my system.
what is the thing that is preveting me from forgetting you! arghs.sighs. sometimes i really wished we could be .. numb. dont ya'll agree?
i mean at some point of time, the immense pain that you are feelg inside, you wish that it could all go away.
vanish into thin air. poof~!right? haha.
sighs,i want to tell people that IM OK! im fine! dont worry!
but... its seems too far fetched doesnt it? haha
gahs. what ever lahs . haha.
love is one of the most
complex thing in the universe.
i doubt anyone can ever understand it.
love love love.... why can it be sucha beautiful thing and yet so deadly at the same time.
reminds you of a certain flower doesnt it? haha.
the rose. the rose is beautiful and attractive, yet it has thorns on its stem. haha.
star crossed lovers, soulmates, puppy love, crushes, lovers, etc.
man. dont these things just blow your mind? haha
i love to read books, especially love stories.
and i love romance shows. i really believed that those things may happen to some lucky tom dick or harry in the world.
but what my mum said, woke me up.
"these are just shows and stories, they dont happen in real life. yes maybe if they do, its like 1 in a million. reality is not all fairytales my dear girl."
haha. so yea. thanks mummy for slapping me back to reality. really needed that.
how could i be so naive. hahaha.
and even if theres someone who is your
trueee love, the ONE for you, highly doubt will find him or her now ehs.
man im so tired of heartaches, heartbreaks, the amount of tears that i lost and the amount of bruises that i got from letting my anger out.
i know its STUPID to hurt myself but man, what else do you expect me to let my anger out? strangle my toy dog? haaah. not gna help.
hmm, you know? there are some kinds of "medicine" that can help your heartaches. haha.
here are some of my medicines;
1- my best friends
2- my songs
3- dancing my heart and soul out
4- crying
5- screaming
hahas. really. these 5 types of medication do really help. esp no. 1
my BEST FRIENDS. theyre my gems. omg! i dont know how lost id be without you guys. =)
youve always been there for me, comforting me whenever i cried. showering me with love! haha. you girls are really
the best. i love you girls.nowadays, its so hard to find true friends. =) im lucky to have u girls by my side. thank you for everything. ;)
songs and dancing can really help too! haha. cant wait to go clubbing. then maybe ill get addicted to tat. =x but really, ya'll can try it out. just.. LET all your frustrations out in your dancing, your movements. but of course, pick those fast moving songs k? not songs like "ill be right here waiting for you" haha.
but yes, slow songs do help too. that comes in for no.4 haha.
CRYYYY girls! cry your heart and soul out. i know its tough to keep in all inside. man id die if humans cant cry. haha.
hmms, here are some titles of slow emo songs for ya'll to listen to.
-in this life
-p.s im still not over you
-say goodbye
-when the last teardrop falls
-love, me
-ride for you
-better than me
-so sick of love songs
-what hurts the most
-when there was me and you
-when you're gone
yea these are A FEW songs only. hah. i highly recommand the last song. its by avril lavigne. =)
i love her album. haha. so punkrock. {which is something i totally dig} and her lyrics for each song... its meaningful. hahas.
see, this is the chorus part of the song when you're gone:
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
ah damm. now im listening to the song "dont matter" by akon. ARGHS.
lols. memories are flooding back, so much till i think i can get drowned by them.
great god. lol.
ahh fuck. get this pain out of my system.
not fun you know.
oh wells.
there are tons of homework just waiting and staring at me.............. lol. gotta go start on them. haha. been a longg first week of holiday. with vesak day and everything. oh wells.
love ya'll
takecare alrights? =))
i miss SO MANY people.
p.s. im still not over you.