YooHoo. I'm
POP-ED into this world on
I studied in BalestierHillSecondarySchool.
Heading to TEMASEKpoly:D!
Loves the colour red
ADOREs my Family&Friends.
I'm Funny, Friendly and Insane.
Drop a tag before you leave and enjoy your stay here. (:
Saturday, May 26, 2007!
HandWritten on; 8:11 PM
hello everyone.
well, main highlight of this post is that my bf and i have officially broken up.
well, it was a couple of days ago.
it was tough to get through the night. cried for two hours with my mum accompanying me.
shes the best. i thought i would get a hell of a scolding if when i told her the truth, but she was caring and she gave me alot of advice.
thank you mummy. i love you =). its hard to get through this without my parents and my loving friends. esp my few girlfriends;
en hui, kania, kristi, yiwen, victoria, cassandra, yu xuan. you girls have been the sweetest. thank you for the comforts and hugs and the sweet msgs.
meansss alot.
and also there are some sweet guys out there who comforted me too. hahas.
like my god brothers. haha. marvin, denny, kiffy.
some other guys like safety&rongjie&victor&cheekeong. and my one and only GOD SIS MARCUS. lols.
some didnt really comfort but just woken me up to some things. haha i thank you guys.
you know. loving someone alot is really tough and it really can blind you.
sighs. ive had enough. the heartaches aint fun you know? haha.
i should just enjoy my life. enjoy it with my girlfriends. my beautiful lovable sweet caring girlfriends.
im not a lesbian alright? haha im just very sentimental when it comes to these kinda stuff. these girls are the rarest gems you could ever find. its so hard to find a true friend. and im lucky to have you girls by my side. =) i love you girls. thank you. you girls have been my pillar of strength.
and for wenwei? hahas. thank you for the memories. you really mean alot to me. but, sadly ill have to let you go. its not gonna to be easy, haha, but no matter what, i know im strong enough to succeed. and you've made it clear to me, drawn the line between us. im just happy to know that i was once loved by you, & thats enough for me. thank you. thank you for being there for me when i needed you, thank you for putting up with my weird moods, thank you for understanding me, thank you for caring, thank you for the Hs and Ks& thank you for ever loving me.
but. remember this. you should know that no girl will ever love you like i did. and i want you to be happy no matter what. ill be here if you need me. if you dont, ill just watch you from the sidewalk, waiting to help you if you need any.haha ok id better stop saying all those before i get emo again.
and denny! my didi. haha.
ill be here for you if you got any problems ok silly boy.
and talk to me in person no need paiseh de k?
must like your classmates..
so di siao one sia. lols. esp that kelvin huh? lols.
tsktsk. haha. but not bad la your class. so hyper.
and got 4 of my teachers who taught me once before. hahaa.
must jia you for studies k? ill try to help you no matter what.
like i told you before. theres no stupid or clever ppl, theres only lazy or hardworking ppl.
i know you can do it. i believe in you ! jia you!
and anyone wants to watch pirates of the carribean 3 with meeeee ?
i love ya'll.
enjoy your holidays ppl !
my braces is on! LOL. and it freaking hurts! ouch~
Sunday, May 20, 2007!
HandWritten on; 4:26 PM
hahas, sorry that greeting came kinda one two days late. xd
wells here are some photos i took on that day. lols. tired to blog detailedly so ill do that another day. xd and the first very photo has my LAOGONG. xD iloveyou baby.
k thats all the photos i have.
ill blog about it another time.
love yall.
Thursday, May 17, 2007!
HandWritten on; 6:31 PM
alrights. time to blog. lols.
just woke up so... im quite brain dead, haha.
hmmms. today at school wasnt as bad as i imagined it.
well, there were 10 absenties from my class. haha.
everyone got "sick" after dragon boat-ing. hahaha.today was a very "slack-ish" day. not much things to do. esp at the last few periods.
hmm.. for me can say all the periods after recess i didnt have to do ANYTHING at all. whahahas.
firstly, after recess was art lesson. teacher as usual didnt ask us to do anything at all.
then it was p.e, i was still sick so i didnt went running with them. got to see them suffer while running... so it was nice. LOL. kidding girls. hahas
hmm after p.e, it was humanities lesson but 3e1 was GONE cause they went for their learning journey thingy. thank youuu 3e1 cause during humans we didnt have to do anything! we were slacking slacking the whole period.
the best part was that it was raining! god. how i wished i could go and play in the rain at that moment when it was having a heavy downpour.
i find the school's lightning alert announcements quite hilariously
cute .
when my class hears mr seow's voice, they'll be like; lightning alert agaaaaaain. lols. then they'll break up into small giggles here and there. haha.
hmm, is
your class united?
for my class, im quite happy with the improvement since the beginning of the year. everyone's mixing around. well not to the extent everyone can hold hands hug and kiss, but till an acceptable way. yes there are cliques here and there, i cant and absolutely wont deny that. but thats what make a class right? haha dont you dare say your class is so united till an extent that everyone can accept each other for who they are and eat together during recess? haha no right?
so yea.. i do love my current class, miss 2e2 but adapted to 3e2. wells, i also wont deny the fact that though i love my class, there are a few ppl whom i cant stand. there was that gay and another "SUPER COOL" guy and now one more is getting on my nerves.
well, maybe you wont ever get to see this post but well, it aint exactly for you to see. i just want to vent my frustrations.
see, if you're in our school, balestier hill secondary school, shouldnt you try to oblige and
follow our school rules? its only normal to do that.
i know balestier hill sec aint a renowned school, with many scholars or very good awards.
HOWEVER, we do have some very smart students who excel in their school work and ccas and i know from some of my teachers that we have students from our school becoming doctors and lawyers, so it aint that bad right?
though balestier hill is only a neighbourhood school, but its not as BAD as you think it is.
and i dont know what exactly is your problem with neighbourhood schools, but if you have to come to our school, at least
wear the uniform. your other friends dont seem to have a problem with doing that eh?
so lastly, if you really dont like our school, i suggest you pack your bags and find yourself a better school la alright? cause well, even though balestier aint the best school in the country, it
is our school. and you're in it, so if you insult it, you're insulting yourself. and if other ppl that are in our school for a longer period than you insults it, yea thats another story. since they've spent a longer time in the school and have their logical reasons for disliking it, when you only came to our school for less than half a year? haaah. what the hell.
ok thats that.. lols.
and yesterday was our 2nd anniversary darlg!
i love you! i love you more and more everyday. hehe.muacks. my superman. you rock my world!you fill my black&white world with beautiful colours and i thank you for that. =)you're the sweetest thing ever & i never wna let you go.you are the best thing that ever happened to me and i want you to know that.baby i love you so so much. heehs.ok... sorry if that made your hair stand but.. heeeeheeehs?
anw im gonna go! haha.
bye people.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007!
HandWritten on; 1:39 PM
SICK. hahaa. again. xD
yesterday had serious
flu, cough, itchy throat, slight fever and my whole body was aching like MAD.like omg. hahas. my body ache till i had to bend my upper body 9o degrees to feel comfortable.
well, i was walking like an old lady with a walking stick.
get the picture? lol.yea and i also had difficulties walking properly, since my limbs seemed like they didnt have any energy left in them.
i was standing, and my legs were shaking. omg. lols.
hate that kinda feeling. bleahs.
so, after school i actually had to go for a "meeting" for todays [tuesday] activity, which is the.. Community Emergency Perparedness Programme [CEPP] thing. lols. its sort of a leadership training thing. 8am-5.30pm. at Alexander Fire Station.
hahas. if i went for it today. i think today i come back no need go school again. xD
then kristi should be enjoying herself alot. since she was looking forward to it
ALOT. haha.
tell me about it when you come back ok kris? xD
then i was texting en just now, godddd. she told me something sooooo DISTURBING. haha.
hmm, how to put it lehs... lets just say.. a guy / gay from our class is watching something not RIGHT on his handphone in class.
so sick. xC i mean like, you wanna watch it, fine with me. its normal for ppl at your age to watch those kinda stuff.. but come on.. in class? lols and you removed your pants?! lols?!?!
god, its traumatising just having to imagine it, poor en and nia, you two had to see it with your own pair of eyes. hahs.
hmm, oh yes.
yesterday after school, i went to the dentist . [ yes im gonna put braces. ha ha ha. lol ]
and guess how many teeth i should have to pluck out.
aw come on.
guess guess.
haha. for those ppl who hates me, im sure you'll be happy to know i have to pluck out
SIX TEETH. yes..
SIX...oh great god. lols.
haha. i was damm shocked lahs.
and one of the reasons why.. i think its cause i have all of my 4 wisdom teeth. xd
yikes. ill know exactly how many teeth i have to pull only by next monday. x(
i already had my x-ray and mould of my teeth done at the dentist ytd.
after the dentist went to the doc to get my medicine.
i cldnt believe ytd i slept from 7plus to 10pm.. haha omg right?
oh well. ima pig. hahas.
i love my blg! xD
tmr is our 2nd month anni ler.
i love you love you love you baby.
hehe. my superman always.
and im going off now.
bye loves.
Saturday, May 12, 2007!
HandWritten on; 8:00 PM
it seems like FOREVER i haven't posted.
goodness, we can finally have our lives back. exams are officially O-V-E-R. *screams*
its like a hugeeeee load has been lifted off my shoulders. haha, feel so awsome-ly light now. lols. well, not in literal terms. lol
exam weeks were tough.
emaths is absolute hell. paper 2 confirm die. paper 1 was slightly easier but not that good. lols.
surprisingly i found amaths easier than emaths.
mrs kwok is obviously out to get revenge. omg. lols.
hmms, the past week was kinda rough.
late nights.
some problems.
luckily, we got through them didnt we? =)thank you my pillars of strength who was there for me when it happened. =)
god. i dont know why, all i feel like doing now is just watching tv.
i dont know why i am so lazy to blog.
forgive me.
ill blog a better post next time.
till then,