YooHoo. I'm
POP-ED into this world on
I studied in BalestierHillSecondarySchool.
Heading to TEMASEKpoly:D!
Loves the colour red
ADOREs my Family&Friends.
I'm Funny, Friendly and Insane.
Drop a tag before you leave and enjoy your stay here. (:
Saturday, March 31, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:48 PM
ok. this post has aaaaaalot of pictures.
these first 3 photos is for our march birthday people! =)) hehe.
happy birthday tzi wei, aven, jun ru and mandy!

the next pic is my NEW PAIR OF EARRINGS.*scream* its damm nice. haha, in my opinion la xD.

my skulls x) punkrock style.
ok and these photos is on sports day!

clap clap. go garnet!

yes i love my c.e.s. girls hahaha. only we 4 knows what that mean right sweethearts. xd

now done with sports day.
moving on to TODAY.
their shopping day. lols.

we were exhausted. lol!

look at her slpy expression . LOL.

nia, now you know why i said you were bloodthirsty xDD

and yes! im done. hahaa.
laogongg.pleaseeetakecareofyourhealth!im worried [x3]iloveyouok!ihardlyheardyourvoiceyesterday&&today!T.Timyilyinyiaymmmmmm! x)ok i wanted to do this dedication to the guys sometime ago but didnt have the chance to. so.. here i go. lol.
nicky;ratana;marcus;michael;david;wenlong;rongjie;keef;benjamin;faris;pengliyou know, you guys are one of the sweetest bunch of people i know. the nicest too.you guys can be playful, naughty, but somewhere deep down, we[thegirls] know that you guys are GREAT.x) haha, we enjoy all the times that we spent together. esp chalet. this year! must have alrights! haha. and this time take loadsa pics.you guys never fail to make us laugh you know that right. lols. how crazy&high&retarded you guys will be, we girls love you guys alright! haha. and if you guys have any problems, we girls are here to lend you guys a listening ear. ^^ love you bunch of crazy peeps la. haha. =)) i know this may be a little too mushy or smth but... heeeeeeeehs? xDalright! and im done for now.
love ya'll.
Thursday, March 29, 2007!
HandWritten on; 9:11 PM
well im blogging cause of KRISTI. haha.
she's bored and wants me to update.
lets start by me scolding you once again alright fcker?
you dont go and attitude her alright.
its not as if it's her fault alright.
you are sucha PAIN.
you treat as if you're the KING and everyone in the world OWEs you a living or something.
dammit. i dont even know if you're a guy.
so... petty. omfg.
you know, i would really really like to see you get beaten up.
damm you. i never knew i could HATE someone this much.
and man, what is your PROBLEM. wtf did you ask me this morning.
obviously i was going to CLASS stupid.
*slaps forehead* and you could say im stupid? omg.
today was just another ordinary day.
was hyper and slpy at the same time.
mr ravi was killing us with the things he asked us to do during p.e.
but dont know why, after p.e. i was extremely awake. hmmm o_O
vance was damm lol la today. lols. i was looking for my laogong in his class then vance was like; why you diao me... lols.
hahaha. jokerr. lols.
laogonggg!xd iloveyou, hehe.LOL. ok that was random. hehe.
today last period. quite alot of people were pissed that there was chem erp but NO one told us anything about it in advance.
teachers always do that to us! dont tell us whether have erp or not. and if have, it is at the last min. omg.
and mann.
im so hyped up because of tmr! haha.
can cheer for
garnet! hehe.
but suay suay, that %^#^&* is also in garnet. oh well.
nvm xD
&& man, shd i or shd i not be mc for speech day.
mrs sunneeth recommanded me.
im sorta interested, since i never had a chance to do that.
but... i have a thing about public speaking.
lol. i have the WORST stage frights.
damm. lols.
im afraid that i'll mess things up.
i think im going off now. hehe.
love ya'll.
Monday, March 26, 2007!
HandWritten on; 8:24 PM
hey ya'll.
havent been posting again yes i knowwww. xd
been kinda busy.
sort of still in the "slacking mode" though . =/ sigh.
must slap myself back to reality.
its sec 3.
o's are in a year time.
mid years are in about a month's time.
& & lets not forget about the fact that syf's next monday.
god... everything's like fast forwarding.
oh wells.
gotta catch up.
and to that PERSON whom i had been talking about in my blog.
stop complaining to her for god's sake?
and even if you WANT to complain. hello? complain about smth that REALLY happened wont cha?
you said you didnt mention my name in your blog.
wna bet?
unless you cheated and went to edit that post, then ive got no evidence luh hor?
other than kania kristi and enhui who saw your that post too.
and others. =)
grow up wont you? dont be sucha whimp. or gay? either one.you are the most obnoxious person i've ever seen.
seriously. arghs.
whatever mans.hmmms.
oh yes.
kristi nia and en.
ive gotta apologise for my over reaction today.
about the
you know who's bag . lols .
got over sensitive. dont know why. maybe cause of the fact that i just cant stand seeing her.
walking around like everyone owe her or smth.
and and
laogong!iloveyou.hehes.this part of the post is dedicated to you.you always make my day.alwayssss manage to make me smile.hehe.you have no idea how much i love you la.must takecare of your sorethroat khays.even though you asked me not to worry,i still will! its impossible for me to not worry alrights.dont play too much games also.later you strain your eyes.haha. your games are like so complicated. xDblg, i want you to know that i truely love you and that you're the best alrights! dont eveer say anything bad about yourself.and dont doubt my love for you.boy i love you so.-xoxook you guys will think that that was damm mushy or what but... hehe? lols.
alrights! heres another few parts for my
loves.en hui; kania; kristimy loves! haha. you know i love you three right? no matter how frustrated i might appear to be, thats just me with my moodswings and all, you three are always there for me! haha, and damm, the three of you are like one of the best listeners ive ever known. teehees.its fate you know, for the three of us to meet and be the bestest best friends. hahaa. i may sound thick skined to say that but i really truely love you three like hell la alrights. ive grown very attached to you three. i know kania and kristi is like gna leave next year but. seriously i hope the four of us can spend as MUCH time as we have this year and the next, since you know, the going overseas and study and stuff. sigh! i really wish you two dont have to go! damm you two. lols!and en, hopefully we'll get into the same jc/poly. haha.man, i jus seriously wna tell you three how thankful i am to have you as my friends.enhui the cute one; kristi the blur one; kania the bloodthirsty one. LOLLL. haha i was kidding about the bloodthirsty thing nia. you know how i feel about your sexy ass dont cha! haha. =) just to wrap it up, i hope we will be best friends forever. you know.. the dumbdumbs! xDDDvictoria;you know.we started out as enemies, but gradually grew to such close friends.you know i wldnt trade you for anything in the world.=) always jumpy and cheerful.you know im always here for you if you need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.i want the best for you. i dont wna see you get hurt and stuff alright silly? haha.girl, try not to think so much.not to so sensitive towards you know who k?girl you know you're fineeee. haha.love you sweetie.&&to my other friends and 3e2classmates.iloveyoutoo! even though i just started to know my 3e2. but im already loving the ppl in it. erh, except 2 persons. hahaa its two guys. =x hmm, i really do love 3e2. well, esp ppl from mhss, you guys are like reaaal lively and friendly.i know you guys werent happy about the merge like we were, but i hope you guys are alright now? =))alrights! that was a few long dedications.
and yes! MARCUS ENG. YOU BETTER START EATING AND SLEEPING PROPERLY.DONT MAKE ME PINCH YOU.better takecare.idiot. lols.anws! im off peeps.
love ya guys.
Thursday, March 22, 2007!
HandWritten on; 7:10 PM
heys everyone.
i know i havent blogged for like.. forever.
so sorry.
was busy and kinda lazy.
but but.
today im blogging.
so i wont be so FCKING PISSED.
bloody hell you asshole better watch out.
you know
its you and im giving you face that i never ONCE typed out your name in my blog.
while your's you kept typing mine when you were "insulting" me, and can even type it out wrong.
ha ha ha.
you fcking watch out.
dont you ever dare scold kania again.
or i swear. i wont let you off already.
im regretting that i didnt scold you more today after school.
haaah. you scolded her fcker, and she said to you; BYE GAY.
hey shes saying goodbye to you. and you're scolding her because of that? how
at least shes saying something true about you.
you?? scold her fcker.
oh come on. if i were to ask ppl to say kania's a fcker or you are gay? hahahaha.
you know what? i dont think you would like the answer . =)
and you
dont ever,
e-v-e-r step on my foot like WHAT YOU DID DURING P.E.
i knew that was on purpose.
come on. unless you're trying to TELL ME that you walk THAT HARD, like all those people who are marching.
fck. step on my foot, still can look at me at walk off. knn you think you who?
fcking no manners sia.
knn, you are damm gay.
F.Y.I, not EVERYONE you think you are talking with , likes your attitude alright?
dont think you're ALL THAT. cause sadly to tell you.
you're not.you ever dare to scold any of my girlfriends ever again. you are so dead asshole.
and this would never have happened.
if you didnt step on my foot.
bloody hell.
of all days. you pick the day to step on my foot when im in a bad mood.
Friday, March 09, 2007!
HandWritten on; 9:03 PM
dammit. i totally forgotten about the fact that im going off to bangkok tmr! lols.
so today is gonna be a rushed one AGAIN. shit sorry. LOL.
well, splendours was absolutely fun, thats what i can say! tiring, but fun.
everything was like rushing here and there. all doing the last few preparations for the performance in the evening.
everything was done painfully if i had my black high heels on.
god. it could cause some SERIOUS permanant damage on my feet.
but it cant be compared to enhui's injured lil toe.
poor her! =/ the stupid black high heels of her caused her skin to tear. ouch right.
ke lians.
here are some photos that i took on wed.
cant elaborate much since i need to pack bag later.
enjoy it. [so sorry some photos i did not edit loves. no time left. xc]
on e bus
caught red handed.
father mother daughter. [the mother looks pregnant. LOL]
shes my love.
check out the crowd
and thats all i have for splendours.
these are other photos from today. theres more but im rushing ! LOL
four-leaf clover. lols.
and and.
well ill miss alot more but its too much to list. haha. so ill miss all of you guys. =)
and and.
marcus eng! ty for those sweet thoughts of yours ok! hahaa.
alrights. ill be going off now.
wont be back till like. tuesday.
i miss you guys like already. so sad.
bye sweethearts.
i try not to look at you, but why did that call come. dammit.
Thursday, March 08, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:15 PM
wait wait. im sorry i said i didnt have time to blog about splendours i know.
but that post needs time and the heart to go and fully blog about it.
but now. someone really made me laugh so much. hahaha.
its HIM again. aw.
so sweet huh. you DEDICATED a POST for me, on your oh so wonderful blog. im so touched.
haaah. PLEASE~
see. i told you. your temper is obviously worse than mine. cause when i saw yours. i was laughing.
yet when you saw mine, aw... you were so mad.
offended by what i say? want me to say sorry?
keep dreaming asshole. =)at least what i said made sense. what you are blogging is totally sprouting nonsense. hahaha.
im desperate? for wad? SEX ?? WOW ... how "accurate".
ok let me say again. and i can even shoot you, without using vulgarities.
sleep and eat.. then what is this called? i dont blog? if you are saying that i slp and eat only.
dont you do that? so you are indirectly saying yourself also huh?
let me see, im annoying you? i aint the one throwing my temper every freaking day right? and im annoying to you cause i hit your weak points, you dont see me going all angry at your post do i?
hahahaha , YES YOURE GAY. dont go and ask people whether you are or are not. its either you are gonna end up HURT or they'll end up lying to you cause they dont want to hurt your feelgs. and you sounded so
shocked or even felt that it was hilarious when i said you were gay, like it was the first ever time you heard someone said that about you. well, if you really never hear it before. let me type again. you are G-A-Y. wake up wont you?
&thing is, if you WANT to joke about smth, it sorta must MAKE SENSE. the pen didnt even TOUCH you, and you say kristi's gna kill you? question mark much?! if jyh jie said that obviously i wld understand.
me brainless? hahaaha. i am not saying im clever, but obviously, you aint that smart either right?
no hope? thats you. not me. oh so stupid.
life at school is boring, cause you are boring. i enjoy school cause of friends, they make my life interesting. too bad, i guess you wont understand?
yes that rings a bell of course.
since i typed that in my other post and you obviously didnt know what to say and copied that sentence. oh so sad la.
really? its the last post?
you are wasting my time too you know.
im just doing this cause its so much fun and so entertaining.
the more you get angry.
the better it gets.
time = money right?
sorry but i think no matter how much time you use or have, it will still be wasted.
and this is the second time or maybe more that you are saying bloggin about me is wasting your time and space. so why keep doing it? really. are you like absolutely retarded or something?
oh yea. you said what i think im fucking pretty? erm excuse me? i never ever said that before so if you want to insult me, at least do it with proof.
since that whole post was completely without proof? thats what made it absolutely hilarious.
and again, you said you'll stop right? so after that post, no more huh. and i thought someone said; [quote] IF UR READIN THIS , I WILL BATTLE WIF U TILL THE END AND GUESS WAT I WON'T FUCKING GIVE UP !
haha. well, =).
and see, kristi doesnt even know what joke you were referring to, nice one man. smooth.
i blog this, cause it doesnt really need my whole heart to do it, obviously. hahaa.for splendours. i will blog tmr. hopefully.bye ppl! XD
HandWritten on; 6:35 PM
let me give a lil shout out first..
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MARILYN!HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY WEN LONG!hehes. would have posted that ytd. but i reached home it was like.. 11 plus going to 12 already? then i bathed and ate instant noodles and it was 12.45 i think.. then went straight to bed.
superbly exhausted. haha.
the whole day, since 10am, my cello members and i have been carrying our cellos like 3/4 of the day. my lord. lol
ok i actually wanted to post pictures and blog about splendours but seems i have to do that tmr.
dont really have time.
xc since im editing the photos.
so sorry!
ill post it tmr i hope.
love ya.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007!
HandWritten on; 11:13 PM
yes... one MORE thing.
i re-read your blog.
and man.
your english is fabulous. seriously.
im so sorry. people i had a typo.
it shd be
judge a book by its colour not
cover. oh my, im so so sorry.
man. i was laughing my ASS off. seriously. if you want to insult me in your blog, you've gotta improve on your english.
it sounded ridiculous when i read it out loud.
oh but i do apologise with my excessive use of the word "fck" in the past post.
shd try to reduce it huh.
bye people.
HandWritten on; 6:41 PM
heys. wonderful. im sick. but feeling slightly better nows.
im in a super hyper mood to blog now. since i wanna celebrate the fact that the fcker is outta my face! =)
well, and lets see. YOU took a look at MY blog, so yea. i went back to yours and you know... check your
"ULTRA SUPER COOL AND HIP" blog. wells, if you wanna shoot me like that. be ready to read this alright fcker? =)
ok, lets start.
firstly. you know, not everyone is as stupid as you as not to KNOW that colone is a perfume for men. seriously did you put the (perfume for men) to REMIND yourself the meaning of colone? haah. please~
secondly, you are like WHINING why arent you popular and stuff? who the hell goes for popularity. only idiots like.. er... you? come on. wake up wont you?
thirdly, haha. im screw loose? and stupid? screw loose i wont argue, since ill be like high and crazy, but stupid? really? you really wna go with stupid huhs? =) up to you. since, i dont really think your that smart since you are insulting me in your blog with the wrong name? s-t-u-p-i-d.
oh yes, dont act all GENTLEMANLY alright? since you aint even a gentleman, dont try to act like one.
fourthly, why, aint that amazing that i disliked you since sec one huh. come on. dont you fcking dare to tell me, you havent judge a book by its cover before.
everyone's guilty of that. dont tell me you aint. cause no one will fcking believe you. call me lunatic, call me crazy, but at least, i wasnt wrong about you right.
idiotic, rude, bad tempered[so far, your temper is fcking worse than mine], unreasonable, oh oh and last but DEFINATELY not least, g-a-y.
haaah. especially today, the bloody pen didnt even HIT YOU. you had to go all; "hey kristi you trying to kill me huh" when the pen hit jyh jie on his head and he didnt even scold her. he was laughing somemore. come on. be a man,
though i highly doubt that you can.
since, you had to HIDE in the classroom after school to observe what was going on outside with moe and the other guys. haaah. please.... you are seriously hopeless.
and yes, your bloody temper. my temper is known to be the worst in my ex-class 2e2. yet i cant believe yours is worse than mine. when you were sitting beside me, you had to slam your books on the table and zip your pencil box with so much uneccessary strength. excuse me alright, its not
as if i want to sit next to you. obviously the first day i was throwing my temper. but come on. you dont have to show me your fcked up temper everyday right? you are sucha pain. luckily you are far FAR away from me, so i dont need to stand with your temper every fcking day.
and yes,
neither will i give up asshole. and by the way. if you didnt want to waste your time on complaining about me? why did you do it in the first place huh? =)
finally, im done. anws, my day went fairly well, didnt see
him much thank goodness.
all of us knew our CA1 marks today.
well, kinda o-k for me, just disappointed with my english. oh wells. theres next term. gotta do more hard work.
&&tmr's splendours! damm, hope everything goes smoothly. gotta slp early tonight since tmr is gonna be one hell of a long day. lols .
and and sorry to those ppl if i ignored you or didnt really talk to you. my flu and sore throat was reaally bad so i just didnt feel like talking. lols.
sorry wilfreddddd, i didnt mean to be fierce to you today. xD
anyways. im going to finish up my emaths hw. bye loves.
i will forget you. no matter how much pain i will inflict on myself, i know i will.
Monday, March 05, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:16 PM
its days like these.
which i wish, wish wish, i could just be emotionless.
i hate the pain of seeing someone i love with another.
i hate the fucker whos beside me showing me his bloody temper.
i hate feeling sick all the time.
i just
hate emotions.
if my friends knew how much misery and pain loved me. sighs.sighs. im physically, mentally and love sick.
i hate it.
and tomorrow theres chem test.
sighs. sians.
and day after tomorrow theres splendours.
omfg. sians.
im so gonna be drained by the end of this week. T.T seriously. my head is currently THROBBING when im typing this and my fingers aint exactly typing very well. huhuhuhs.
only a few ppl will know why. hahha.
hmmms, people people. i know not alot of ppl read my blog but if you are reading this, can you tag at my board to answer my this Q; why do people fall in love.
seriously i want to know.
i really really want to know.
you all would be surprised at how different the answers can begod i cant stand it.
i want to tell you so badly.
yet i know everything wld turn out bad.
ahs fuck love.
fuck reality.
i hate my love life.
nothing good will ever happen. im
cursed , since i cant ever remain a good relationship.
and when i think i found one.
i loose it.
im going off.
cause. i needa study for chem.
and slp early since im too fucking drained already.
bye ppl.
rmb. ans my q pls.
Sunday, March 04, 2007!
HandWritten on; 4:42 PM
Friday, March 02, 2007!
HandWritten on; 9:50 PM
today was sucha nice day.
till last period.
till we had to change places.
till i found out im sitting next to my worst nightmare.
oh great.
seriously i cant stand him. neither can he stand me. wonderful. =)
i cant stand him since secondary one. dont ask me why. i just dont like his attitude. s-u-c-k.
im sorry for if i OFFENDED friends of him in one way or another, but this is my blog, i type what i feel alrights.
oh come on. its like i gave him so many obvious signs saying that ; I DONT LIKE YOU. hello??
oh god. what must i do to drill that fact into your brain.
i can sit with someone i cant click with, but not with someone i want to kill.
and even if you can get along with your frens. as you said, they are YOUR frens.
my views are obviously different from them.
oh wells. whatever.
not going let him ruin my day.
tmr's flag day.
kristi's reaaaaaaaal enthu about it.
on da phone now.
wells. blog tmr maybe.
bye loves.
boy i love you so.
Thursday, March 01, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:48 PM
no matter what i do.
i feel the pain.
with or without you.