YooHoo. I'm
POP-ED into this world on
I studied in BalestierHillSecondarySchool.
Heading to TEMASEKpoly:D!
Loves the colour red
ADOREs my Family&Friends.
I'm Funny, Friendly and Insane.
Drop a tag before you leave and enjoy your stay here. (:
Wednesday, February 28, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:01 PM
im currently feelg holiday-ie. haha.
dont really feel like studying these few days.
maybe cause im just TOO tired of some things.
sighs.. oh wells.
im gna be random.
and post pictures of ASHLEY TISDALE. shes so darn cute&pretty.
and now im looking for hilary duff's sexy photos. haha.
i cant unlove you no matter how i try; ill never turn my back on someone who loved me.
sighs. i succeeded in doing ONE thing, and something that im trying to do turns out that nothing wil ever come out of it. i know you wont tell me who is she.. but ill wish you all e best. cause if youre happy, i am. i wont ever tell you how i feel bahs, cause that wld jeopardise our frenship so yea. ill just keep my mouth s-h-u-t. ill support you no matter what.
this is the reason why i absolutely hate love.
god. someone SHOOT me.
-all the pics were taken from deviant art-
Sunday, February 25, 2007!
HandWritten on; 6:09 PM
love me for me or dont love me. dont think youre gna change whats inside of me, make me who you want me to be.love me with all my imperfections.im feelg emo.
lols. well, mostly of things that have happened recently. =/
sighs. lols. not gonna elaborate that much.
anws! im totally into ashley tisdale's songs.
haha. bought her new album;
i love her
love me for me song. its reaaaal nice. if you guys are interested. haha, ask me for it in msn. =)
goddddd.can some bio chem phy angel drop from the sky and help me with this HW?!
bio and chem is killing me. and i thought physics was the one that wld kill me. omfg. lols.
proteins, carbohydrates, fats. MAN.
yea i know all these things are IN ME.
espfats.lol. BUT it aint as easy as THAT. lol. daaaam. lols.
sighs.imjustakidandLIFEISANIGHTMARE.fuck. lols.
i absolutely hate love.
cause it hurts.
cause it tears your heart into pieces.
cause you do stupid things for it.
cause you cry when you lose it.
cause it controls your emotions.
cause it just plain hurts too much.
i wna blog more.
but i dont really have the mood.
sorry loves.
have to leave with you guys with an emo post.
bye loves.
Monday, February 19, 2007!
HandWritten on; 3:29 PM
i try . but its so hard to believe . i try . but i cant see what you see .lalalas. hellos sweethearts.
im slacking at home right nows.
trying to revise some bio. LOL. well,
trying. haha.
currently chatting with my sexy kania on msn.
i miss her like
effing loads la. i KNOW YOU ARE READING THIS KANIA. LOL. YOU BETTER FLY BACK TO SG SOON. OR ELSE... you know what. muahaha.
wenwei disappeared to take something. SOMETHING... which is like at the other end of the universe la. LOL.
today went to temple to bai nian.
asked marcus to come down and pei me. ^^
he's always there whenever i need him . my sweet jie. =) chatted quite alot with him.
then he had to go to his cousin's place. and i wanted to come home since i couldnt stand the smoke that was in there. nose far too sensitive. lols.
then here i am.
back at home.
later in the evening going to my dad's fren's house somemore for dinner.
sians. no one there my age as well.
well there IS, but i never really talk to him cause he's busy playing with his cousins. lols. so yeaaaaaaaaaa. nth to do agains. lol .
ratanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.imsorrytodaycannotgowithyou.....=/dontbeangryalreadylahssss.=/great. im getting slpy.
well im going off.
bye loves.
wish i could press rewind; turn back the hands of time.
Sunday, February 18, 2007!
HandWritten on; 11:05 PM
ohhhkay seriously, after what happened tonight . i must conclude that a person's ability to use a pair a chopsticks to lau yu sheng MUST be very good if you want to lau yu sheng in my family. and the height. lols.
i just finished lau-ing yu sheng, and my from the fingertips of my hand all the way to my elbow, has sesame seeds ALL OVER IT. omg! LOL. the MAN CULPRITS were my older cousin , my dad and my uncles. us females had our hands and arms all covered with the yu sheng. we were laughing like crazy. hahaha.
guys are seriously big bullies, no matter how old they are. hahaha.
hmm, anw i must wish ya'll a very
happy chinese new year. collect loads of ang pows and eat till you get sore throat alrights! haha.
i am already having sore throat. even before i can feast on any of the food! grrs.oh yea, NOW im still at my relative's house, using my cousin's laptop. my god his internet speed is like super super slow. -_- it cannot get any SLOWER. omfg. haha. well, as much as i want to say im having a blast , but i wont. haha, my family gatherings are heartwarming for me but seriously, i reallly can get bored or feel left out since... there's no one MY age.
haha, my cousins? well they are all 20 plus now. and this laptop belongs to my cousin who is
married and has a very very adorable toddler named jerry. lols. jerry is the cutest lahs. haha he can run to you and say hi and hug you. awwww.
but how i wish there was someone my age that i can connect with. I get really jealous when i hear about my friend talking about how close he or she is with their cousins, how they can take pics and go out . my cousins... too much of a generation gap. i can TALK to them but only for a few sentences that's all. lols. sad aint it?
oh wells, hopefully tmr i can go out with rat they all,
though im not even sure we ARE going out cause rat's too LAZY to text me and i cant exactly CALL out since im at my relative's house. bleahs, stupid rat. LOL.lalala, oh god when will this bloody cough of mine go AWAY. curses.... dammit.... ^%#&%*..
but i dont really care since smth really nice happened.
=)) cant say what it is but im extremely happy right now, not that kinda happy that is jumping and shoutg, but that kind that warms the heart and make you wna cry that kinda happy.^^
im so glad. so relieved. i see your that msg and well, im just so happy. haha. im so happy to still have you as a friend. god, its been so long. mans.. alrights im turning emo already. dont want that to happen at my relative's house huh. haha.
alrights. nothing much to blog abouts. and jerry took my orange! omg. LOL . alright i gotta go after him. lols. oh goodness. lol .my dad is already nagging at him. ohhh god. BYE loves.
thank you thank you thank you.
Saturday, February 17, 2007!
HandWritten on; 7:21 PM
hellooos loves.happy cny eve people.
im sure most of you are having your reunion dinner nows.
or outside visiting relatives or just relaxing huhs? =)
ima having my reunion dinner soon.
steamboat. omg. lols. i think im going melt or something. the humid weather is already killing me.
and my sore throat aint getting any better.
&& i miss niaa. =/
dummy, why did you have to go back indo.lols.
currently listening to more than words. hahas.
~saying i love youu, is not the words i want to hear from you~
hmms, feelg very random today. hahs.
stayed at home the entire day. watched tv most of the timee.
nothing really nice on though.
now theres
heroes on star world.
quite interesting but im occupied blogging. hahas.
god. im sweating just by sitting here. imagine steamboat time. [!!!] lols.
honestly speaking. i like xmas more than cny. haha.
and i absolutely
love my red nails !!!yes i do i do i do .muahahas.
and i so so so want to watch;
GHOST RIDERRRR! EPIC MOVIE &&& NORBITTTT!anyone want to watch? hahas.
how i wish i have my own room now.
my own lil private space.
away from all of these people..
my god parents keep walking up and down . damm . its kinda irritating me.
i just want to blog in peace.
oh yes, ive changed my blog pic as you all can see. =) the 3 pictures taken from deviant art. love those 3 pics. haha. then edited them in paint. xD
updated my profile a bit. added the
yearnings part. haha.
hmm, guys have you ever felt so angry and frustrated and just want to let it all out by shouting or crying yet you cant?
haha, i suggest you try dancing my loves.
it really helps.
and its a very good way of expressing yourself too.
and i REALLY want dancing lessons. marrrrrrrilynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. lols.
we shall go
there during june holidays if we have time alright?? hehes.
chenwenwei!i want to text msg you yet you cant reply! how sad is that. lols. and now im wondering like where in the WORLD are you. lols. nvm, im BORED without you. lols.
i so so need an airconditioned room now. lols. its freakishly hot. GOD. well im going off first people.
hugs&kisses&have a happy cny.
sighs, bro, i know you wont be reading my blog, well i think you wont.. but if you ever do, i want you to know how sorrrrry i am, i didnt keep my promise when i said i would. sighs. i am so so sorry. i hope we still can be like last time where i tell you stuff and vice versa. i know you are having some problems, hopefully i can help you with it? =/ i am truelyyy sorry, please dont be mad. you said you're not but you are still not "yourself" towards me. i feel very bad and i just hope you'll really forgive me. bro you know i love you like hell lots. i hope you wont doubt that.
Friday, February 16, 2007!
HandWritten on; 8:45 PM
yes yes yes! i finally have the time to BLOG, with all of my heart.
oh and ..
i would reaaally wnar thank these few people that made my valentines day superbly special la.
thank you for the pink rose. hahas. i just love it so MUCH. =) you know how much i adore you right babe? cx
thank you for that bouquet of flowers and packet of kisses la sexy. i know you spent like so much time and effort to make those flowers. haha. LOVE you so much.
thank you for the SUPER big packet of chocs. i swear if i grow like fatter, i know who to look for. hahaa. thank you lovee. =)
oh love thank you for that rose. i love it so much. x) babe you know that ill be here for you no matter what right? *winks
thankkkk you for the rose too love, haha. i want to see you laugh every single day cause your laughter is seriously contagious love. haha.
thank you sweethearts for the chocs hahas. so very sweet of you two to buy chocs for us. xd and ima missing you two!
hahahaa. thank you you sweet adorable guys for the pink rose! i absolutely adoreee it. hahas. esp thanks to mich for going on your knees on the streets [if you rmb . LOL]
for that lovely note that you gave me, thank you for the thought but i doubt ill find him that soon sweetheart. (=
for that surprising cupcake. its DELICIOUS. haha. thank you you little monkey. haha
for that brownie. haha. its delicious too lahs. ^^
hahahahaaa. FALEND. thankyou for the SUPER unforgettable letter that you wrote to me. hahaa. thank you thank you. must write more letter alright? hahaa. loves.
mrs sunneath&ms teo;
thank you for the chocolates mrs sunneath and ms teo thanks for the eraser and the sweets. hahas.
heres some photos =)

joe eng's decoration. =) nice aint it
faris' brownies! xD it was super yummy.
look at those flowers. hahaha. aint they beautiful?

this is his girly pose
and his manly pose . hahahaha. he is super funnny la faris. xd
you know how cute she can be? LOL
guys who are looking. i KNW you know shes cute. hahaa.
why did you have to close your eye dummy. LOL
faris -- LOL david--nice smile michael--YOU KNOW YOU AINT THAT INNOCENT. haha
thank you loves. =)
yes im being zilian. haha
yummy. haha
and thats the end of the photos.
xD anw.
today was cny celebrations.
well, seriously speaking it was far more boring than the past few years.
but the seniors came back so it was quite interesting.
saw bruce and his frens [stupid bruce, everytime your greeting has to be a middle finger huh lol]
huiqi and frens. and many more.
after cny
me en nia and kristi went to wisma to shop.
then ratana and chan joined us.
kania HAD TO GO cause if she didnt, she'd miss her flight back to indo.
then ratana chan en kris and me went to walk around a lil more in wisma then went on to taka to eat at yoshinoya.
after eating went back to window shopping, en bought two tops while i bought one. xD
ratana, you have expensive taste you know that? haha
oh well.
we walked and walked. and got reaaaal tired.
then we had to go home and tada... here i am
well. ths is a really long post. and im off to do other stuff.
bye loves. haha.
sigh, seriously when can i get OVER you. i hate the "i long for you everday" feelg. it sucks.=/
Sunday, February 04, 2007!
HandWritten on; 6:49 PM
if we were a movie, you'd be the right guy and i'd be the best friend that you'll fall in love with.another week gone.
just like that. *snaps finger*
i failed my amaths paper! haha. 7/20
yea yea im s-t-u-p-i-d
hahaa. well, credit goes to mrskwok. =)
mrseowilldobetternexttimeiSWEAR.=/oh mr seow's my tuition teacher. NOT the one in bhss though. haha.
oh well, at least the other tests i passed. whees.
waiting for the physics TEST paper to come back. passed the quiz but the test... er... lols ?
ill pray very very hard then . lols .
im currently blasting off my music into my ears.
all hannah montana's songs. *grins*
this is the life, hold on tight.and this is the dream. its all i neeeeed.hahaaa. for no reason, im just so crazy about her songs now. hahas.
also staring at my bio book now.
mind totally blank. w-o-w. haha.
diffusion, osmosis, active transport... not really good in that area. lols.
victoriaaa kristiiii , if you're reading, im blogging cause of you two alrights. hahaa. x) my sexy loves.ok... dont know why im feelg super random . lols .
oh wells,
stayed at home today. parents had to do spring cleaning. hahas.
woke up like at 11.45 or smth? xd yea ima pig i
KNOWthen when i was like eating breakfast HALFWAY... my house "thief alarm" sounded when my dad was cleaning the windows outside.
god. i SWEAR. the alarm was as loud as a sua na [c.o. instrument] or even louder.
the sound was extrememly piercing to the ears omfg. lols .
then from THEN ON, which was 12, TILL 2 PLUS .. I had to disarm the alarm every 1 min.
omfg. 2 whole fcking hours. lols. bloody hell. lols... the repairman was like rushing down from jurong. . . . finally he came to save the day. lols .
then i had a peaceful day watching tv and doing hw. till dad had to hog the tv to watch god knows tv show. then i had to come to my sweet computer.
my god. daddy has a huge moodswing. lol.
keep nagging at me and taking me like his punching bag.
sia la.
oh well.
not so sure what to do now. lols.
i am SO tired of missing you.