helloooo =)
its a saturday and the past 3 days have been both mentally and physically draining. god.its so unfair.
i remembered sec 1 we ended school at 1.3opm cause there's syf and so the performing arts can practice or what la.
but this year is also an syf year and instead of ending earlier we end much later.
oh great god.
mon and weds we end at 2.3opm . tue and thrus 3.15pm. the ONLY day that we can end earlier and can ENJOY is 12.15 but TOO BAD.we have C.O.
oh fuck.
what the hell.
nvm.our teachers are ...... alright la
mrs sunneth is alright, but i dont like her seating plan.its by register, so its like girls one side.guys on the other
how the hell are we gonna warm up to each other like this?
its so weirddd.looking at my class. all seated down after recess. guys one side and the girls on the other.
we aint noisy and we're like so guai.
lols.seriously im not used to it.
ive talked to a few people and they all miss their old class. 2E2'O6 I MISS YOU ALOT.=(
sighs* but the girls are really nice lahs.
hahas.the guys... never got a chance to talk to them.
oh wells. =/
anw. the end of the first day of sch. went out with en hui, brian gor gor, lianfeng, stanley & kunleng.went to marina sqr to meet them for lunch.went to eat at sakura.lols. super full lahs.see
see these soft toys. omg. *scream
this is lian feng and kunleng.
lols. next is kunleng and stanley.
then GOR GOR. lols.

ok.. then yesterday was c.o open house.
the day was quite alright..
his name is andre [hopefully i spelt it correctly]
i just had to take a photo with him. XD ohmylord.
hes half indo and half chi.
sooooooo ADORABLE la.
omg. hahas.
hes in 1e3. together with michael's brother wilson and pengli's brother.
ohhhh LOL.
my a maths teacher is like................... dot dot dot.
mrs kwong.
she talk like wan die wan die like that. lols. oh great god.
and i heard from monk hillers that she teacher the 3Es they all failed their a maths.
godd i really need tuition without a doubt.
my combined science teacher is mrs wong i think. quite fun lah. haha.
and ss/geog teacher is MS LEE.oh my. lols. well shes quite ok but.... lols dont know la.
pure bio teacher is mr choo lols. very L-O-L la he.
and my chi teachr is MDM WAN. why is she STILL WITH US.
wah lao eh. lols.
today went to watch death note 2 and saw victoria and branda.
then janice and her friend.
oh well.
death note ar... slightly boring i dont know why.
there was one guy in front of me.
kept moving his bloody head from left to right right to left.
i would have WRING his neck if i could.
i gotta go.
theres a&emaths hw to be done.lols.
bye sweethearts.=)
its nice to hear your voice again