YooHoo. I'm
POP-ED into this world on
I studied in BalestierHillSecondarySchool.
Heading to TEMASEKpoly:D!
Loves the colour red
ADOREs my Family&Friends.
I'm Funny, Friendly and Insane.
Drop a tag before you leave and enjoy your stay here. (:
Thursday, November 30, 2006!
HandWritten on; 8:00 PM
meow meow meow meow.
here comes the moodswing girl.
god im having the worst moodswings ever today.
first happy then angry then sad then normal.
anw, ytd wanted to blog but couldnt.
i went out with marilyn en hui brian gor and lianfeng erzi.
went to meet at city hall mrt control station,
and omggg. i saw someone sehhh. lols.
saw mabelynnjie also. (x.
but that someone ahs.....
oh well, nvm XD
well, we went to eat at ljs first.
omg en hui couldnt stop laughing all the way to marina lahs.
she just took a look at gor gor and started to laugh.
lol just that en hui went slightly crazy that day.
i could not rmb the last time that we laughed like that.
after eating we went to play ARCADE.
and man, did we PLAY.
it was so so so sooooo long that we last went crazy in arcade.
we played daytona first.
then i was so so so tempted to play the guitar and parapara. LOL. yes para para. its been so long. [but the last time i played it was with joanne, and i sucked cause it was a diff machine and i got toooooo friggin embarrassed.lol]
i played the guitar first.
then en went to play the drums.
after that. lianfeng decided to be my para para kakeee !! LOL. hehe.
then i played.
and.................. I DIDNT FAIL.
*SCREAMS* after that we went crazy .
i dont know how many times i played . lols .
after playing that went to play drums also.
then played shooting with en hui.
after thaaaaaaat all of us went to play bowling XD.
and we saw derek and jialing.
o_O ? with their siblings i guess? lols.
ok anw.
we played and this is a few shoots i took.
and thats lianfengg.lol his bowling balls always will bounce one. =/ lol.
ahah and thats gor gor. XD
this is the score board, lian feng brian en hui me and marilyn.
MARILYN MARILYN. she bribed them la. her score.... lol
is cause, when she rolled the bowling ball, she tends to roll it slowly, then when it hits the pins, some of them dont fall into the back of the lane, so she sort of got "another chance" and thus, the normal two times, she can go like 4 times.
we were like gna bash her up la. wth. LOL.
en mae me.

us again. haha. i edited the photos. meow.
anw after that we had to go home already.
feelg emo nows.
talked to you..
asked you smth
and you answered me with a ...... maybe .
oh. sigh.
my brain is about to burst.
i gotta go .
bye sweethearts.
if things were to get anymore depressing, imightjustdie.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006!
HandWritten on; 10:16 PM
when darkness turns to light,it ends tonight.im addicted to EDITING PHOTOS!omg. i just found out one of my picture programmes can edit photos till nice nice.
ok i sound retarded yes.
but ya im high cause of that.
today went to pay a visit to my dar.
since he injured his leg.
after that, went to meet marilyn at j8.
saw her two friends.
goddd. pretty + slim .
then we ate ice cream at novena
played bball at peikio.
walked around
slacked at her house.
Monday, November 27, 2006!
HandWritten on; 7:30 PM
helloooo people.
today c.o.-ed.
and my god i saw a "ghost" today la.
tsktsk. hahahaa.
make all of us laugh like god knows what.
having serious moodswing these few days
sigh. no idea why.
so if you find me being cold to you
ima so so sorry.
and and.
JOANNE. you look so sweet and hot in your prom dress girl~~
hahas. and awww you made my day by saying you love the earrings la girl . XD
and and yes we must find another day to go out together again alrights? hahas.
and victoriaaa darlg.
we have never gone out together HOR. =/ sadnes.
dont be sad anymore alright ! =c
the person who went to china.
come back quickly la idiot.
im bored.
so ill go be bored.
bye lovely sweethearts.
ohoh and hi inessa. haha.
nobody knows.
Sunday, November 26, 2006!
HandWritten on; 12:23 AM
today went to give my larling a surprise visit at his house.
he was sooo darn blur.
and hes big sis was at home and he got kinda shocked to see me.
whee. well at least my plan worked.
though i had to run a few rounds before finding him . lol .
oh well. xD
after that went to find marilyn.
and we had a totally BORR-ing day . haha .
oh well.
anw anw anw. IM totally in love with NOBODY KNOWS by pink.
if you wna know the lyrics... go HERE.-->
http://www.lyricstop.com/albums/pink/nobodyknows.htmlits nice. seriously.
anw i dont know what else to blog.
bye ppl.
looks can be really deceiving. haha.
Thursday, November 23, 2006!
HandWritten on; 5:37 PM
sorry, i know ive not been blogging, got my own reasons for that. =/
andd thanks for those who showed concern cause of my last emotional post.
LOVE you guys so much la =)))
and id reallyyy need to reply tags first. lols. [the tag board is over flooded by my sweethearts haha]
MARCUS;OMG. marcus you TAGGED. anww, HAHA, old mann! haha and thankyouuuus. xD
RONG; helloo darlg. haha i love you too. tyyyy (x
KANIA; omg darlg!!! i love you like SOOOO MUCH that nth can describe la. thank youuuu. omg you dont know how much that tag means to me. seriously. *muuuACKS* haha.
KRISTI; haha. thank you honey. hahas. im feelg better. (((=
VICC; aww sweetie, dont be sad alright? =c im gnar give you a hugeee hug tmr at c.o. alrights ? ahaha and i LOVE you too lar girl. =)
JOANNE; haha. aw i thought you wouldnt like the earrings. haha. x) and hope keef's alright with the picture frame. haha LOVE you lots girl haha. and had a nice time with you that day . =)
anww. went out with nicky, enhui , marcus , darlg , keef and joanne [who came after the movie]
and we watched... THE CONVENANT.
omg it was NICCE. haha.
Caleb Danvers [who's name is really steven strait] is SO SO HOT.
see see

HANDSOME eh. haha.
here are the other actors and actresses. xD

omggg. handsome right. hahas
oh shit .
i need go now.
later when im back ill blog again
i think
bye sweethearts
Sunday, November 19, 2006!
HandWritten on; 11:05 PM
hi ppl..
alrighty. ima replying the LONGG tags here. lols.
kania; EXCUSE ME? what you mean by dummy sia? LOLS. i HIGHLY dont get you. haha. and you and victoria make me laugh like crazy la. you constipated little
dummy. LOL.
kristi; hahaha. yes your honeyy. then im pooh. and ill eat you. LOLLL. hahhaa . joking honey. lols. tsktsk. always so busy la you. haha. and its NOT i dont wna bring you go watch, unless you can figure out how i can get in touch with you IN PERSON and go TOGETHER to the movies.. haha. you laaaa. i also wna watch with you all. dammit. LOL. I MISS YOU BABE.
and today i stoned at my god ma house.
people.. tell me.. how would you feel.. when you on the verge of losing one of you bestest friends you ever imagined to have?
like a second brother or sister?
someone you can rant to, cry, shout, laugh and he/she will never complain?
someone who can teach you and be there whenever you need them?
someone who you can gossip to and they'll never tell and even seem to be interested even if its something that they dont even have the slighest interest in and they'll pay all the attention to you?
someone thats like... your gurdian angel?
hais. i feel so darn depressed.
to the extent i can cry just typing all these.
i miss you so much do you know that? i miss us chatting on the phone. i miss us having fun.
and now it seems to be fading into nothing but a memory.
hais.. i just wna rewind rewind rewind time.
*slaps myself* grow up grow up...
reality bites.
its heartbreaking.
but it seems like i cant do anything. and your just pushing me away.
hais.... ____ do you know how much i miss you and the times we had?
well, the only thing im looking forward and maybe can cheer me up is meetg en hui and darlg tmr.
im going off ppl.
& i miss all of ya'll.
i guess, you never knew how much you meant to me. hais.
Saturday, November 18, 2006!
HandWritten on; 9:53 PM
today went out with marilyn.
went to watch
MATERIAL GIRLS.well, overally it was NICE. but the storyline was slightly pointless. lols.
loved their clothes. omg. lols.
and got one small sad part in the movie and i dropped a few tears. haha.
but got some parts which were FUNNY. haha.esp in the jail part. ohhh LOL.
anw anw.
we saw some ex mts ppl.
and i saw my yuxuan mei. and sophia too. haha.
sophia looked shocked to see marilyn & i.
haha. oh well.
hmmm. was tempted to play the guitar in the arcade. but denn... no guts. wheee. LOL.
erm erm. after the show. went to the new cathay to check things out.
but STIL. its so empty. haha.
went back to marilyn's house to ask her how to download stuffs. lols.
and i helped her to get her blogger back to normal.
with just ONE button which she was too blur to notice it. omfg. lols.
anddd i also messed with her friend charmaine. LOLS. went out with her once only i rmb. lols.
too high and felt too retarded so i did that. haah.
i wna type out these lyrics by ALY & AJ's PROTECTING ME.
you,-youre always there for mewhen i need you mostday and nightyoure by my sideprotecting mewhen i feel like crashing downyou seem to be aroundthere you are, youre not that far'cuz..whenever, wherever, babyyoull protect me no matter whathold me tight, with all your might and...youll never let me goprotecting mewell. theres more. but i think if i type all i might jus faint. lols
omg i love them la
hahas. their lyrics are so nice. xD
im going off now.
nth much to blog sry babes.
love ya all.
Friday, November 17, 2006!
HandWritten on; 3:21 PM
zai wu ding change zhe ni de ge.HELLO.
omg. firstly i wna say i LOVE
JOANNE KANIA KRSITI AND VICC.ty for always tagging at my board. omg i love you girls. hahas.
alrighty, let me reply some tags.
victoriaa; yes yes ill piggyback you. haha. X)
kania; aww. give her a kiss mahs. LOL. or shell poke you. hahaa. and awwwww. you MISS me? hahaha. we also miss you lahs. so... YOU'd better get your constispated ass and face back in singapore as SOON as you can. you dummy. LOL.
joanne; HELLO. hahas. im finee ty. you tc also babe. and HURRAY to the fact that your finishing your Os are finishing. YAYie. hahas. x) jia yous
ANW. im like practically at home the whole frigging day.
1st reason; mummy went to see doc.
2nd reason; we needed to be at home so the repairman can repair my friggin com internet. lol
&& i went to sch today about the appealing thingy. =/
mr xia wasnt in! went for a course. gahhhhs. then talked to mr loo about it.
lol. damm, the admin office must be in a whirlwind of mess now because mr loo was so BLUR. lol.
dammm. he says he'll get in contact with me once he knows everything. omfg. lols.
pls let me be able to get into combo 2. cause i REALLY dont want combo1.
well, actually im not sure what i want. i dont want combo 1 cause firstly, too much stress. secondly. i want art which is in combo 2 and thirdly.... i wna be in same class as my babes!! T.T
hopefully they can do smth about it. omg plss... *prays*
so many people say i shouldnt appeal.
but i seriously dont think i can cope. so... BAHHS.lol
and ow my eye hurts. lol
currently chatting with my boy.
and omg. now i know why staying at home, sometimes can drive people crazy. haha.
omg. now im playng sudoku with darlg.
and i have NO idea what im doing
0 blank. zit. nth
LOL. i really dont know how to play. hahahaa.
pheww. now change to reversi. whees.
anw. ill go now. haha.
bye my loves.
we are that something more.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006!
HandWritten on; 10:42 PM
okok. id better reply some tags. LOL
kania; AHEM AHEM. ill give you a ROAR you wont forget when you come back k nia? *smiles evil-ly* muahahas. HAAH. youre ALWAYS constipating nia. LOL. WAH. you love benny ben ben and you forgot ALL ABT ME KRISTI AND EN ! *storms off*
joanne; oh YES. i agree with nia, you and keef look the PERFECT couple. sometimes i feel you two shd just get married. LOLs. x) and since your Os are ending. get ready to GO WILD joanne! hahhas. you deserve it larhs. after the months of hardcore studying.
kristi; hahaha. tyty . ill upload my thailand pics later or tmr. today jus in the mood for some NORMAL blogging. LOL. well, there'll be photos. xD LOVE ya baby. =)
alrighty. HELLO agains. hahas. today i met up with my larling. and went to harbourfront.
he told me there was a SHIP. and its like a book fair in it. [btw, the ship is not stationary, it DOES move. LOL]
my dear's sucha sweetie. he found out i love to read books just ytd. and he told me abt the ship ytd after he knew also. *aww. xD well. we met at habourfront, he was late. i didnt mind. haha
and and, his dad gave us wrong directions . LOL .
nvm, at least we found it. if you guys wna go, go to vivo city. then go to first level [2 levels up candy empire] then you walk to the exit behind which is facing sentosa.
there you'll find the ship !
oh wait. i forgot to show you the picture of THE CHRISTMAS TREE in harbourfront. x)
ALL THE BEARS. so nice. hahas.
and there you go. x) its extremely WARM up there. lols.
and its not say alot of books.
mostly about christianity.
and the childern books are reaaaaally for children
so.. that wasnt really my place. lols. but the ship was huge.. hahas.
after that. me and darlg went to walk walk around vivo city.
anddd. it was HUGGGGGGGGE. lols. well i know it was huge but i didnt know it was THAT HUGE.lols. we walked till our legs hurt so badly. lols.
we changed to ps and we walked around somemore.
after that... we went to eat ljs and then i had to go novena to meet my parents.
well, i enjoyed every bit of the day. xDD. though my dear looked awfully more blur than usual today. LOL
ANWW. heres some random photos of the day we sent rat off at the airport. x(
LOL. david bought this for my larling. LOL. cause hes a lionnn. lolllll
these 3 flowers is DAVID KEEF AND WENLONG buy for ratana der.
awwww. lols
wenlong keef kristi kania me and larling! XD
WELL. im going to go tv-ing. hahas.
BYE ppl. i l y guys! X)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006!
HandWritten on; 8:35 PM
HII ppl again.
sry for bailing out so fast ytd. my dad suddenly watched finished his dvd and started to off the lights. [if you guys dont know, i have a phobia of the dark. lols]
okok. where was i...
OH YEA. the pics of the last night.
still got somemore...
BE PATIENT with me alright?? LOL

MICH KANIA WENLONG BEN DAVID KEEF NICKY. ohh how i miss that night. =/

ohhhh they're getting married soon. LOL. what a couple. xD

oh the handsome strong men. LOL


OOOOH. waaahhhhtaaaa ! LOL.

oh oh, this is the part when we were walking away from the bridge. lols. and further we go.LOL

you know how cute ben is? xDD

i simply adore them =) so cooperative for the FIRST TIME. LOL.

whahahah. DAVIDD. xD

and its nicky's turn! hahaa. they're so lovable. =)

HEEHS. KANIA. XD she knows i adore her. ((=
and after this. i cldnt take pics. . . cause the friggin cam no more batt. haha.
after this we went back to the chalet.
we slacked at the living room watching tv.
my parents bought us chicken rice and roti prata. *yayie mummy and daddy*
some of us ate straightaway, some of us watched tvv.
then then, the best part. haha. ok, whenever we change to a cartoon channel, kristi will jus start to laugh hysterically. hahaha
then the guys. purposely keep pretending to change channels, then when they change to cartoon network, theyll start laughing like crazy ! LOL. and its ALL OF THEM. the house could practically shake with their roars of laughter lahs. lols.
jus listening to them laugh, is enough to make you laugh till your tummy aches.
seriously, and its not just one time. its ALOT of times. hahaha.
damm theyre loads of fun to be with. haha.
the last night.. hmm.. what DID we watch.. OHHHH.
i remember NOW. LOL.
all of us were like; the last night hor. dont slp hor.
LOL in the end. everyone collasped. L-O-L
well well, the night was LONG THOUGH.
a few of us were still half awake though. hahaha.
okok, there were two guys playing ps2. i cant exactly rmb who. one of em is chan. the other i dont know. SRY . lol
hmm, i know david was playing with en hui
LOL. you wna know what??
en hui was getting REALL tired. then david was like; you can have my shoulder you know?
LOL . he went on like that for a whole.. oh i dont know.. 15 mins? LOL.
he was driving en hui NUTS
LOLLL. hahaha. after that.. there was one period.
where me david and my darlg saving shoes
LOL. cause david saw the stray dogs attacking a shoe.
after that we quickly went to the kitchen and chase 'em away.
and saved the SHOES!!! lols. ke lians.
christopher and wenlong's shoes gena. =/ hais. poor them ))=
hmm, after that.. i think david went up to slp. LOL. he went up to the second story and he was like; ill protect kristi ! LOLL.
we laughed like crazy. well, he didnt do anythg la. he was cold and there wasnt any space downstairs so he went upstairs the corridor to slp.
so cute. hahhas. he was like; wake me up at 3 k?
but obviously we didnt. hahaha. we were busy resting also.
he slping right? then after that, he suddenly spoke VERY VERY LOUD. so loud that i thought he was talking to us, you know what he said ?
he said; ni men yao bu yao ___? [well, i blanked it or else you guys will be very shocked. LOL]
hmms, after that. i think i went to slp ler. cause i really couldnt take it. lols.
after that.. it was THE NEXT DAY. lols.
well, nth much la.
cleaned up. packed.
*screams* FINALLY! hahaha

the "FAR" pic

i love them lahs. =))
and well...
the end. x)
HandWritten on; 7:54 PM
LOLS. ok. the interesting thing is that
VICTORIAA honey came to flood my tag board. hahas.
if your reading vic... HELLO
SEXYY. hahas.
ok. id better start this post by replying tags! LOL.
--rong; ILY baby.((=
--liting; helloooos. youre missed toos. x)
--joanne; YES i blogged. LOL.
--kristi; hahaha. ty ty x)
--kania; LOL. yes yes. i love nicky's picture also. hahaha. and kania.. i guess your totally constipated. I MISS THAT CONSTIPATED FACE. =C
--YIWEN; hahaa. i missed seeing the smile on your face that ALWAYS manages to make me smile back. hahaha =)
--joanne; hahaha. ty ty. ill put somemore upp . x)
--marilyn; LOLS. yes yes. ill show you in person the pics k? xD
--kania; HAAHA. yes yes i KNOW nia. xP i LOVE YOU ALSO LARHS. come back soooonnnn! =c
--VICTORIAA; hahaa, sure sure ill piggy-back you alrighty? haha. and i love goong ALSO. xDDhahaa. ty for flooding my tagboard laopo. xp seeing your tags just make me smile. hahah.
--kristi; hahaha yes its long right. must massage my fingers latr on. LOL. you LOVE ALL THE CARTOON LAR!! LOL!!
--kania; what the HELL are you talking abt ? LOLLL.
ALRIGHTY. ill blog in another post. cause i need to edit the one with the pictures. LOL. since my larling spotted some spelling errors. whoops. LOL
Monday, November 13, 2006!
HandWritten on; 8:40 PM
ALRIGHTY. hi ppl.
let me continue from the last post.
heres a photo of EN HUI AND KRISTI.
my beloved darlgs.

awwws. xd my sweeties. hahaa.

okok. this part is the SCARY PART.LOL. the NIGHTWALK...
seriously, it was creepy. hahas.
everywhere was dark. only the road lights gave us light.
eeeee. we walked and walked. and chat and sang. LOL.
then the guys were carrying each other larhs. and if i didnt rmb wrongly. kania was carried by some guys too.
we walked and walked.. all the way to the bridge there.
then it was time for us to turn, the guys didnt want to but we girls scared like hell already.
then .. then .. when we were like walking back from the bridge there.. we heard a scream from the guys behind and keef RAN like HELL. then obviously we already gena creeped out then we all also follow run and scream.
then when we slowed down that time.. my darlg and keef and david saw smth... in the woods.
omfg. lols. they say they saw an old man running.
okok . i dont wna get into it cause now im getting goosebumps. wtf.. !!!
eeeeer. lols. then we walked back quickly. kania cried. i cried. LOL. too scared lerhs. lols.
when we got back.. we went to bathe and then .. MOVIE TIME.
we watched CURSED. lol. wtf. i was freaked out. cause the scenes are DISGUSTINGGG. lol.
ew ew ew. lol. after that show. we watched.. FINAL DESINATION 2.
ok that show was far more disgusting. yuckk . LOL . all the deaths. =/
anw anw. after that show. i think some ppl got slpy already. LOL.
then we wanted to ton the night mahs. then we watched GARFIELD. LOLS.!!!!
LOL. she kept laughing and laughing non-stop. hahaha.
hahhaa. funny sia. then by the time the movie ended... SO MANY OF THEM WERE ASLP LER.
omg. lols.
only left like ; keef , kania , en hui , kristi , wenlong , peng li , htet paing , my darlg and me .
lols, the rest was slping like angels lahs. haha.
we went to see the sunrise
ONLY to find out... we were at the west and the sun rises from the EAST. LOL.!!!!
then we slacked at the playground.
from dark... then became brighter and brighter. lols .
after that.. we went back to the chalet to clear up the stuff. lols. it was around 8 plus bah i think.
wen long started to eat some of the food i think. i dont know. cant exactly rmb. but en hui said it was like he was eating then he said; dont waste. LOL.
WENLONG's the man. LOL. x]
haha. then.. that day we were also slacking. hmmms.
it was the third day already. so fast. =/
ohh ohh . it was the day that i slpt for like.. 4hrs in the afternoon. LOL.
i was gona catch a nap actually, went up to slp at 12 plus. woke up that time was because of the guys [who sounded like a angry mob and they just finished swimming and they went up to our washroom to bathe] wow they were noisy. BUT BUT lucky for me they woke me up. CAUSE i got a frigging shock when i saw my hp time.. 4 PLUS. oh god. lols. i thought i slpt for like an hour or what. LOL. omfg. then when i went down the girls finished playing badminton also. omg. lols.
hmm hmm,
after that we all went to the bowling alley .
kania can lie down there and rest sia. haha that girl.
anw... after that we went to the beach to see the sunset..

gahhs. they were all seated down actually, den when i wna take, THEY ALL STARTED TO STAND. $%^%$&@^... lol
well, when i was there, kinda got some old memories flooding back. =/ sians.
after that me and darlg went back first. well, so zhun my parents came back around that time also. the rest also came back the same time as my parents. hahaha.
hmm, then we ate and slacked at the chalet. watched some shows from the tv. i kinda forgotten is wad show ler. lols. paiseh.
after that.. went for the nightwalk agains.
this time.. it was less scarier cause we walked faster. lol. and we made it to the bridge.
very very cooling. and fun. cause we took loads of pics there. haha.
here i go. lol


you know what? michael's not supposed to look so innocent. LOL

KEEF n MICH. they staring at smth in the sea. really there was smth but we all dont know what the HELL it was. lol

FINALLY my turn to carry nia. hahaha.

chri me and peng peng. x)

KEEF n DAVID. big smiles from both of them LOL.

EN and me. she looks damm blur. LOL.

me and larling. XDD that finger.. LOL

mich me and nicky. aw they're they so cute. hahaa.

nicky nia and mich!! =)

keef mich and niaa. haha. so cute all together. x)

*omg they're HOT.* LOLLLL.hahah. sexy la you guys.

FROM DA TOP PPL!! ben nicky nia . mich david keef! lols. looks fun eh xD

you know what. i dont wna be biased but.. LOOK AT WHAT THE HELL IS WENLONG DOING TO NICKY. LOL. wah lao. they two ahhs. lol nvm ! lol!

ben nicky and mich ! adorable boys ((x

i suspect she loves him more den me kristi and en !! LOL !!!
OMGG. now i have to go now. lol . bye PPL.xD enjoy the photos
Sunday, November 12, 2006!
HandWritten on; 4:59 PM
HELLO PEOPLE.IM BACKKKKKKKKK!YAYIE. hahaha. okok ill like blog now. lols. SO SRY.
went to thailand for like 8 days!
omfg. its sooo darn long. and i MISS everyone so badly.
esp my darlg. lols. gahhs.
alrighty. ill blog abt the
CHALET first.
muahahs. the chalet was from 29oct---1nov.
it was so much fun. heehs.
well, on the first day.
marcus and me took my dad's car to the chalet.
so paiseh sia. i thought we[me and marcus] we're gna be earlier than the rest.
but instead..... the rest reached there earlier. omfg. lol~!
and see what marcus is doing in my car. lol

lols. my DOGGIE. kelian... he in the car dont wna give it back to me. LOL.
STUPID lao bearr. lols
anw. when we finally reached.
everyone was THERE already.
yikes. so paiseh.
then when we got in the time. the whole PLACE was like FLOODED.
omfg. lols. seriously. the guys' bags and all. omg.
well, after "unpacking" the guys went to the soccer court and we girls went swimming, except kristi cause she frigging didnt bring her SWIMMING COSTUME.
GRRRS. kristi.. I KNOW YOUR READING THIS. LOL. ill get you for that when you come back. LOL.
anw, heres a photo of me en and nia in the JACUZZI.lol

lols. then heres some other photos of the guys who joined us latr. xD

keef, david, mich, nicky and ben. xD


the guys at the pool ! nicky gena attacked. LOL.

LOL.ratana cramped up and lifeguard to the rescue.LOL!!!

nicky cai nicky cai, wth are you doing to the fan. LOL



ratana and ben! hahaha. funny la they two.

me and NIA. shes with the jollyshandyyy. x)

go david go! lols~

the guys playing ps2. lols!



nicky with the cap and derek and htet paing and chris . lol

the guys and ps2. LOL.
ok thats abt it. actually got loads more. lols.
and i freaking lost my voice on the FIRST NIGHT. LOL.
cause i was shouting too much. dammit. lol. when i talk, if i call someone, like marcus, it wld sound like; maaa-c-u-s. LOL.
seriously i sounded like an OLD WOMAN. LOL and en hui !! she DAMM EVIL, she asked me to say eeee. den my eeee come out like; ee-e-e-ee-ee. LOL. kristi LAUGH LIKE CRAZY.
wahh laos. lols. well, luckily it came back late in the night. haha.
which was wishing stairs. GRRRS. stupid. i covered my eyes like for the WHOLE movie or smth like that. lols. scary sia. but kristi was like saying it was boring. LOL.
after that show, we watched.. we watched AMERICAN PIE 2 next. LOL. it was...
disturbingly funny. hahaha. after that, they wanted to watch south park. LOL. damm, we girls tired ler, so we went up to slp. the guys also gradually slp ler. lols.
the next day.. i kinda forgotten what time we woke up.
but it was around 1oplus when we girls went down
the guys were mostly awake bahs.
omg see the guys, slp until how shou. lol

we went to play badminton later in the day. xd thats rat and wenlong.

en hui being bullied by my dar.LOL.
after playing badminton,
we went back to eat. it was bbq time. lols xD we were all hungry lahs. lols!
oh god. lols. now i need to like, go find stuff for tmr ler. lols. so... sry ill continue the blog again tmr. xp. bye ppl ! lols. enjoy the photos. xD