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I want a puppy
I want to go to Australia again
I want to meet Jennifer Love Hewitt
I hope Taylor Swift comes to Singapore for a concert

CassDarlg Charlie Eunice JiaYan Kwong My Blog Shop Victoria Vincent
Designer Basecodes

June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 March 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009
YooHoo. I'm Jessie.
I POP-ED into this world on 11June1992
I studied in BalestierHillSecondarySchool.
Heading to TEMASEKpoly:D!
Loves the colour red
ADOREs my Family&Friends.
I'm Funny, Friendly and Insane.
Drop a tag before you leave and enjoy your stay here. (:

Thursday, August 24, 2006!
HandWritten on; 8:43 PM

this week has been a terrible one.
i dont know, but i feel extremely empty inside.
i've stopped playing maple for now.
studies. and me playing maple is getting on my dad's last nerves.
then i know, once i stop playing maple.
i stop talking to him.
i miss him so so much. hais.
not as if i can do anything about it.
hais. i dont think i'll ever love anyone so much again.
it hurts.
it really really does.
but just remember.
all i want for you.
is to be happy.
thats all i want for you. =c
well.. hais.
people think that im stupid.
but.. if you have heard before. ai de li liang shi hen da de.
haah.. hais what ever ler lahs.
i cant take the stress.
i really am about to break down and just cry non stop.
maths maths maths.
i see my results and im like.
wtf? i really cannot take it ler lahs.
my heart is aching.
my brain is bursting.
my grades are like what the freak?
man. life really sucks at times.
but with my mum and dad and my dearly loved friends.
at least theres something to keep me alive everyday.
heartaches. its better not to have the feeling of love at such a young age. esp a girl like me.
na de qi, fang bu xia.
arghs damm me larhs. freak.
well, at least today's social etiquette class was VERY interesting.
our coach stephanie.
we actually thought it was gonna be boring. sian. all those.
in the end... when stephanie walked in..
WOAH. 3 letters..
hot hot hot mans. lols. ok i aint a lesbo.
but she really is.
lols. MAN.
the guys were already DROOLING all over HER.
GOD. the scene was kinda chaotic. omg. lols.
mic they all. keep on hounding on her like hungry wolves. oh my god. lols.
but come on. they are so so SO way out of stephanie's league. hahaa.
when there was a part of a hand shaking part,
WEN LONG. my god. he also kissed her hand.
she FREAKED out a little. but we can see she was slightly scared of them larhs.
then mic made such a exaggerating hand gesture before shaking her hand.
then the best one.
she shook his hand.
then when she wanted to walk away. ben wouldnt let go of her hands
LOL. we all laugh like crazy.
shes a really nice coach.
i wouldnt mind at ALL if shes our teacher sia.
lols. she can joke. make us feel awake.
and it was 4 hours of her coaching. and we werent sleepy.
nice right? =)
nothing more to say.
not much mood either.
needa study maths.
test tmr.
bye peeps.

Saturday, August 19, 2006!
HandWritten on; 5:51 PM

Today was kinda ok larhs.
Went out with marilyn in the morning. Went to united and far east with her.
Then went to cine to meet en.
Saw michelle and her friends there.
Her greeting was damm cute. haha.
She gave en a bottom ten and en returned it.
Then same happened to me.
Lols. damm damm cute lor. Lols.
ok. Then next we walked around, marilyn got herself a shirt.
Then we went upstairs to the arcade there.
Finally kania came. Haha.
Then marilyn had to go.
Then en and nia wanted to catch a movie. i didnt have time to catch it with them, so i left after playing crazy taxi. haha.
They went to watch Tokoyo Drift.
Then i took mrt to novena for guitar class.
next week im gna learn the song by the wonders; do that thing you do.
ohh lala. i like that song. havent heard it in a while though.
Then i called marcus down to accompany me since i was like damm bored.
went to united again.
Saw quen yi feng and her crew there.
the what.. you hua jiu shuo the show.
lols. she had loads of makeup on. yikes.
but well, its like that what right? or else she may look very pale on tv. i dont really know? lols.
then chatted alot of marcus.
Then after that.. went home ler lorhs.
Well, marcus.. all i cant tell you that is.. people are not what they seem to be.
i've learnt my lesson a LONG time ago.
well, lets hope what happened to us, wont happen to you lar hor.
alrighty now.
i gotta go.
bathe and everything.
dont you ever wish,
you were someone else.
you were meant to be,
the way you are exactly.
dont you ever say,
you dont like the way you are.

Thursday, August 17, 2006!
HandWritten on; 8:39 PM

Hmm, today was an emotional day?
Dont know but i was pretty down today.
Chinese test.
Kinda ok larhs.
Nothing much to say about that.
Went around cine with en and kania.
Then we went to taka.
We had a mission.
But cant say what larhs.
Then i msged my sweetie vic.
She took some time to reply.
But she told me the biggest news.
That little bitch wanted to spread something eh?
And it was so RIDICULOUS.
omg. When i heard it i almost fainted.
What the hell. That kinda stuff you also can say out.
Its like.. you have nothing better to do ?
Its like so wu liao lorhs.
when vic told me over the phone.. i wasnt angry.
but it was expected tat you would do this kinda stuff.
but THAT kinda things?? omg.. lols.
Not fun lorhs
Seriously lors.
Nvm i wont care about it. But if it blows up.. Ho ho ho. i dont know already kahys ? =)
haiyo. Nothing better to do sia. tsktsk.
ok nvm. at least something interesting happened today.
en en darling.
dont be sad already.
i love you ok ? =c
alright. now i needa make phone calls and maple liao
BYE people.
hais pls just get out of my head. xc

Wednesday, August 16, 2006!
HandWritten on; 7:52 PM

This week is a tough week.
SO many tests.
Monday we had a Dnt test which we TOTALLY didnt know about.
Lols. Screw it man. I just hope i dont fail. Hais.
Then Tuesday we had a BIG history test. Then after school got chi oral. =c
Then today we had science test. Haiyoyo. Gonna die sooner or later.
Then tomorrow have CHINESE test.
Sian larhs.
she gave all of us a surprise
Lols. nia was sleeping then i shook her chair and went.
then she was like.. she woke up, then she looked at the door. Then she wanted to sleep again.
then i was like KANIA. ITS SYLVIA!!!!!
Then she really woke up and was like;
huh ? huh ?! lols.
Man her reaction was funny.
we were all shocked and surprised and we taken aback larhs.
She didnt tell anyone that she was coming back.
then after school sylvia nia en and me went to united to eat.
chatted alot.
Kania got tortured by sylvia alot and me and en were enjoying it.
evil right? xD
Then after catching up, we went to toys r us to look around.
then en had to go home.
nia bought ice cream
then we went to the bus stop.
WHERE i saw my stead VIC , and pearlyn.
Chatted with both of them
Then nia went back and sylvia went to orchard.
After a long long long chat.
the person that vic pearlyn and i were waiting for came.
then vic and i went to novena; she went to take mrt and i went to take a bus.
well thats practically my day.
N i gotta go, since theres still chinese test tomorrow.
i wish i could breakaway.
its been a month since you left me;
i still feel the pain. =c

Sunday, August 13, 2006!
HandWritten on; 5:35 PM

Today was totally TIRING, i have no idea why, but when i woke up my left part of my neck was aching like crazy. Woke up at around 9.30+ but my mum asked me to sleep first cause she needed to go downstairs to buy food.
Slept till about 10+ then my mum called.
Then went outside to watch; I SHOUDNT BE ALIVE.
Man, that show, shows me how much some people have the strength to go on with life even if everything turns against them.
Well, after that, ate, changed and went to pray my deceased ah ma & ah gong. =c
Sad. But i prayed for all my friends and family members. Hope everything goes right.
We prayed at the temple at toa pahyo.
After that, my mum & dad and my other relavtives went to HOLIDAY INN at orchard road there to have high tea.
It was really boring. Lols. Well for one reason is that i was sooooooo very SLEEPY.
*yawns again*
i took a short nap on the table. Lols.
After that did some revising of history, really wanted to sleep again, then i called marcus.
Whahas. cx
He said it was lucky that i called him, or else he would have slept till 6+.
What a lazy bear. Lols.
Chatted till it was time to go back.
Then i rested in the car, then we went to shaw plaza's NTUC.
Where i saw LOK YEE.
WOAH... it has been a very long time since i last saw her.
Shes... taller. =/ and im still shorter than her, DUH. [hais]
Well, we'll find one day of steptember holidays to go out together.
We even used our pinkies to promise
Then after that i went back home.
Which is now.. lols.
well, have to bathe now. then revise, then chat and everything.
Ok im gonna die of work soon.
which one will you choose?

Saturday, August 12, 2006!
HandWritten on; 6:38 PM

Well, today was kinda fun.
Went out with my god bro zi jing, whom i havent seen in like a LONG long time.
He.. grown much taller. 185 to be exact. Damm sia.
He looked cute as usual. Haah.
Meet at ps, then we went to catch the movie; CLICK.
The show was damm nice, it was very funny, have a few sad parts at the end which made me cry alot, lol, then there were the horny parts when the dog and the toy duck.... OHK.. I DONT wanna get too detailed into that. Children below 11 shoudnt watch that show. NOT advisable.
Cause they'll ask why is the dog humping the duck.
Man that was one horny dog. Argh. Lol.
Well, the show is REALLY nice, i recommand you guys to watch it. =))
During the show zi jing was laughing so hard i got a little pai seh to sit beside him, haha.
BUT, hes SWEET. Cause he knew i was cold and he offered his jacket! AW. & at the end of the show he told me he was cold too, ok thats sweet. Haha.
God bros like him are hard to find. But i can think of a few more god bros that i have that are as sweet.
Alright, after that we went to novena to find MARILYN.[today our guitar teachr was sick so we didnt have any lesson]
She just came back from gym with her school friends.
Ate at LJS, then marilyn and i said byebye to zi jing as i was gonna go to marilyn's house.
Well, nothing more to say, and i gotta study like crazy for my history test and science test next week, they're gonna be KILLER TESTS for sure. =c
i could be your friend;
i could be your homie.

Thursday, August 10, 2006!
HandWritten on; 6:40 PM

OK. Firstly,
So sorry didnt blog wish you yesterday, well, i have a damm good reason which is because i was celebrating YOUR birthday with 6o,ooo other people at the National Stadium.
The atmosphere there was; HIGH. Everyone were screaming! AHHHHs.
Well, ok lets start from the beginning of the day, i met marilyn, we went to ps.
We went to the arcade, played fever rock.
THEN... after that, you know those kind of machines that you use a joystick to opertate the "claw thingy" to get a toy?yea THOSE kind. Lols.
Yea, marilyn and i had always liked to play with them, i won 3 toys for her already. [an eeyore, a cat and a HUGE tigger.]
Then we decided to try our luck, i put in my one dollar coin.. Then.. aimed at the toy, pressed the button..
TA DA!!! I CAUGHT IT. XDD me and marilyn kept on SCREAMING .
Well, i did, not her. LOLs. 1 dollar to catch it. AMAZING. heehs.
I think everyone there was thinking i was crazy. Haha.
OK nvm about that, after that marilyn and i went back to her house, and made our way to the STADIUM, in her dad's van. Then when we stopped cause of a red light, i saw something very interesting.
See the two guys there? Ya see the positiontheir in? Lols. The new sitting style for talk at the telephone booth? xD
Alright, then when we reached the stadium, it was like.. 3 plus only?
The whole thing only started to start at.. 5 plus. Man we waited for THAT long.Lols.
Here are the PHOTOS.
the decoration for NDP. Its so cool.
mae and me
military band. They were VERY good. cx
Look at the crowd that are cheering!!
he lands onto the target!
Alright, its wu shu time and the guy holding the yellow flag is VINCENT NG. HUNK~! lol
Look at the left and right, red people running towards each other, like wna gang fight.LOLs ok the pic of the two guy's head was seriously UNINTENTIONAL.
the jet planes. THEY WERE LOUD. but NICE.
The orange thingy nice right? heehs.
WOW me. lols
Fireworks Time

ok, theres SO MUCH more pics, but i dont wna lag the blog, so.. HAIS.

well, i also gtg already, bye people.

its like you were floating,while i was falling,

& i didnt mind.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006!
HandWritten on; 8:08 PM

Well, today was GREAT. Everyone in school was so ENTHU. Haahs.
I love it when the school get enthu, today it was the sec 4 Es and 5Ns that were especially more enthu. Love it when they get so high.
Haha. Today every school celebrated National Day. It was kind-a nice and fun in a way or another. Besides celebrating, it was also RALLEY day. Well, amazingly, all the student leaders did very well. Well, truthfully saying the two people that gave me the best impression was: Alvin and Darren. Really, Darren had like the whole band and prefectorial board up on the stage as support and his speech was carried out perfectly.
As for Alvin, i personally did not expect his speech to be so funny and interesting.
Well, funny as in people enjoy what he said larh. Really, ok seriously saying, his posters in school were kind-a funny, but in real person he's really kinda nice. Lols.
Everyone was enjoying his speech. Hahas. Seemed like he gained his fellow classmates respect lerhs. =) Good for you Alvin.
Alright, i was a bit too high in the hall, then i keep on screaming. LOL.
oh YA. Then before the ralley speech, there were performances by the DRAMA club, DANCE and BAND.
Well, alot of people ENJOYED the skit put up by drama club, very interesting, very funny and besides being entertaining, it teaches us some moral values at a same time.
Talking about using one stone to kill 2 birds. cx
Then the performance put up by the dance club was.. beautiful in a way?
Ok. Then the band's performance was quite soothing. The music.
Then when the ralley started, my gor, wei wei, who was sitting beside me, he kept on so called going crazy. Lols. Like bored until he lost his mind. Haha.
Anyway, after the ralley talk, was singing time, and this is the time when all the upper sec got high. Haha. Our sec 2 friends, ratana safety they all, also went high. Safety was so DRAMA.
He acted like he was crying when singing the song.
AND he said to me and en hui: Must sing with your heart OK? [then while saying this, he put his fist to his heart]
Then i disturb him back: you sure thats your heart and not your chest?
OMG. THEN, he look into his shirt and say: Yeap, im sure its my heart.
LOLs. Man, me and en hui couldnt stop laughing.
Then when the song was about to end, ratana, mic they all went to carry BEN.
OMG. Ben was like so scared, but he also played along with them larhs.
Damm funny. Lols.
Alright, then after the celebration, it was like 1oam.
Then i went back with marcus to my mum's place, ate mega me.LOLS. TOO hungry ler mahs.
After that changed and went out with nia and en hui to cine.
OK man that show is freaking SHOCKING.
Seriously, me enhui and kania were closing our eyes and ears.
LOLs. There a some funny parts, but most of them were scary.
Lols. Dammit sia.
If i suffered from heartattack, i would have died in there anytime. Haha. Seriously i would.
Ok, after the show we went to take NEO. Lala. Very fun. Lols.
After that went to espirt to try on clothes. Ohh lala~ lols.
After that i had to go home, then kania and en hui went to taka.
Damm tired sias.
BUT. The good thing is that.. tomorrow im going with marilyn to NATIONAL DAY PARADE.
She had the tickets and she thought of me.
AW isnt that sweet of her? xD
First time im going to it LIVE. Except the time in pri 5 which i went with my class there, rehearsal time somemre.
oooh, im gona take LOADS of pictures, and blog about it! Cx
Aw. But one thing made me sad today is that my stead went to INDO.
=c why she'd leave me here!! LOLs.
Haha i miss her already.
Luckily shes coming back tomorrow.
&&i have ta go and bathe now.
omg & u replied my msg. cx

Monday, August 07, 2006!
HandWritten on; 7:16 PM

Hmm. Today was a.. OK day larhs.
At the end of the day i got pissed off by a B-I-T-C-H.
Alright, whatever, don't feel like letting you ruin my day.
WELL, my day i though was gonna be bad, but luckily there's kania and en hui and kristi to cheer up my day. Hurray~ xD
OK anyways, tomorrow is RALLY day. Well, good luck to all the student leaders lahs.
ok later on during co, chatted with vic. Aiyorhs vic arhs, dont be too stressed about that anymore k? =)) It'll blow over.
I think i go play maple ler bahs.
BYE people.
u made it clear when you said,
i jus dont love you no more..

Saturday, August 05, 2006!
HandWritten on; 6:45 PM

ok.. Today was.. ok lahs.
Except the fact that people stood me and marilyn up AGAIN.
It ISNT the first time he did it. We were waiting for him for like the WHOLE day.
Then last minute say don't want. What the hell. i was so darn pissed with him.
At least he sent a sorry message after don't know how long. Ok whatever.
Not sure should i forgive him that fast. Arghs.
Ok. The interesting things that happened today. Firstly.
Remembered in my last post, i talked about the japanese boy but i couldnt get a pic of him?
Whahas. Looks like lady's luck shining on me. Since when marilyn and i went to plaza sing today.
Marilyn spotted GRAYSON and he was with that jap boy! WhooHoos.
Then i took a pic with him. *yay*
aw. Aint he jus the cutest thang? But when marcus told me he looks like ju-on. I kinda freaked out. Lols.
I'm not a big fan of horror movies at ALL. But thriller maybe still can. Hahas.
Now chatting with my gor and my nu er on msn.
Huahas. Nuer telling me how fun is girl guides. Aw. It really sounds fun norhs. HAI.
OK. Anyways, after that marilyn and i went to THIS FASHION to shop. Bought two skirts.
Really it was my lucky day. Hahas.
HAI. Now my gor accusing me of ps-ing him. =x Sad. I miss him and he misses me. But i cant find the time to go out with him. ARghs!
Then now my stead vic is telling me about what happened to her today.
SO unfair. Hais. Some people just wanna seek attention. What ever. VIC i'll be there for you oks? =)) MUACKS.
ok. I think ive blogged enough for today.
BYE people. cx

Friday, August 04, 2006!
HandWritten on; 7:23 PM

todae was a very interesting dae sia.
i`ll jus put it in points.
since after thad i needa plae maple.
ok .
todae the jap ppl from mihara city came to our sch!
here are some pics i took .

the gal on the right is SOOO cute right?? we all fell in LOVE with hur.xD

this gal on the left is sooo cute toos ok. hui nan is in charge of hur. aww. *envy*

ok the same gal and shes trying out CELLO. she was really cute when she tried it. haha.

ok and now shes trying out the bass. haha

cute right all of them ?? xD

soo darn cute. hahas. deres actually ANOTHER small lil boy thats ADORABLE.

but i didnt get to take his pic.. =c

ok nvm. den todae co and 2e3 celebrated mr wum`s bd.

ok dere were cake songs and evrythng. lols. banana dance too. lol

ok todae c.o. was more INTERESTING den usual since there was alot of gossip. whahas. me vic en and pear were chating. =)) lalas. its really an interesting dae SIA. whahas. loveit.

ok anw i needa go maple ler.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006!
HandWritten on; 6:14 PM

well, todae was a OK day larhs.
dont know why. but nowadays i seem to get agitated easily.
today take height and weight.
DAMMIT. loss weight BUT.
i nevr grow.
wtf ?!?! T.T
then during recess. i think i saw nicholas humping marcus ?
LOL. that was one interesting thing that happened during recess.
ANOTHER is that.. haha cant say here.
BUT. all i can say is that.
hmmms. then today after school.
went to food court at united to eat.
saw marcus rongjie and edmund there.
damm that edmund. lols. tried to scare him but then failed miserably.
some more get suan by him.
then kania and en hui went to orchard.
i went back to temple with marcus.
so guai hor. haha.
must do lahs. come back home need blog. then help him chiong maple.
people call me stupid for doing that but.
i cant help it.
how much i miss him right now. T.T
hais. well not as if i can do anythng about it.
theres one line in NEO's ; so sick of love songs lyrics which is something in my situation.
im so fed up with my thoughts of you and your memories, now every song reminds me of what used to be.
yeap. hais. actually the whole song is very nice.
you guys should go download if you dont have it.
its old YA.. but old songs are nice. and meaningful.
now doing maths.
first time in a LONGG time that im doing maths on my own and i understand it.
whoohoo. cx
anws. nth much to blog about lerhs.
well. BYE PEEPS.
so tired of tears