YooHoo. I'm
POP-ED into this world on
I studied in BalestierHillSecondarySchool.
Heading to TEMASEKpoly:D!
Loves the colour red
ADOREs my Family&Friends.
I'm Funny, Friendly and Insane.
Drop a tag before you leave and enjoy your stay here. (:
Thursday, November 24, 2005!
HandWritten on; 7:43 PM
yeap.hiie peeps. hmms . ytd night was r0cky f0r mi. i c0uldnt st0p missin him. den luckly. dere was darren t0 cheer mi up . kinda . hahas . hais... t0dae.. went 0ut with mae .. din realli have any g0od m0od . until in e aftern0on barhs. xD.hmms . went t0 PS . again . den went t0 harb0urfr0nt. den went t0 find BAOBAO.=) hahas . keep disturbing him . l0ls. hais. den we went t0 e 0ld plaegr0und . and t0k and t0k . hahas. mae and him can0rt st0p arguing . l0ls . NO idea why... lols . hmms . den went t0 temple.. and t0ked again .. den time t0 g0 h0me de time . saw uncle 0n`s NEW DOGGIE. four mths old . WHITE . and . SUPER ADORABLY CUTE.. OMG..hehes .x DDOMG.. it was so CUTE.. THE FUR WAS SO SOFT~!!!
CUTE HOR !!.. aww ..xDD s0 ad0rable . hehes .. hmms ... well an0ther sub lers. he..came back.t0dae.and g0ing t0 aus next mth..great.. hais..when..ahh nvm. peace out peeps. xD
Wednesday, November 23, 2005!
HandWritten on; 6:31 PM
HIEEs. wah t0dae, super l0ng and fun dae. hahs .hmms. firstly. went out with mae mae . . . go to ps first. den we go to orchard. . walked at wisma. OMG. gort one thing so funnny tat happened dere sia. haaahs. i almost walked into the guys toilet. ~ !!! . hehes.. n0t 0n purpose lar. c0x m0stly i rmb tat the gal`s t0ilet was 0n my right hand side. den this time is vice versa.. and dere was a guy wh0 LOOKED like a woman inside. LOLs... my eyes.. i`m s0 getting blind.. hahas .den mae was like .. JESS. ! den i was like wad ? den i saw the MALE sign den i was like .. oh shit.. l0ls .. s0 PAI SEH..e guy inside was l0okingg at mi . LOL.. wahh laus.. guys with l0ng hair can be s0 misleading at times. hahas.. hmms. okhays . den we went t0 far east.. as usual nth much t0 walk .. hahas. den we decided t0 g0 t0 SENGKANG.. c0mpass p0int. den l0k yee calledd mi and asked mi whether i wna g0 0ut n0ts. l0ls . with her.. pam pam . chris . lulu . kenny. hmms. missed dem truck LOADS. since i din see dem f0r like SO LONG.lols. s0 yeap . mi and mae went t0 meet dem at farrer park at 2.30 hmms. den we went t0 ps. t0ok ne0 .. den went t0 the z0ne X i tink .. plaed ddr.. hyper bishi bashi . parapara.. LOL.. den go and plae with kenny basketball. help him get the high sc0re 0f ... 634 i think . hahas.. erms . tats abt my dae . and damit! MAPLE IS UNDER MAINTAINANCE!!!wah laus... BORED.. hahas .okiie den . BYE!!!=)
HandWritten on; 12:22 AM
den when i came back to sing.. the next dae was CO perf0rmance. nerv0us ! 0bvi0usly !! hahas.hmms. the s0ngs were t0ng hua and huan qing f0r the xiao zhu.. den d0ng feng p0 and sun li0n f0r the da zhu .. dun get mi wr0ng. xiao zhu der ish the 0nes dat m0stly g0 t0 the cc t0 practice ders. hahs. hmms. the perf0rmance was quite g0od. fr0m my p0int ta view. hahas. okhays..TODAE. i and jasmine . went to watch HARRY POTTER . !!! WHOO HOO . IT WAS NICEE MANS . !! HAHS.. the last part i kinda cried a lil .. c0x cedric died.. wah lao . so SAD..lols. my g0r was s0 right abt mi crying at dat part. hahas . hais . but the whole show was EXTREMELY GOODDDDD !!! *thumbs up* hahas . th0se wh0 has n0t seen it. MUST SEE MUST SEE !!! hahas .. =DD den we went t0 ps dere n0rhs . after dat we went h0me .. hahas . =DDD well i think i bl0gged m0re den enuff . hhas. BYE YALL.xD
HandWritten on; 12:21 AM
HIYA PEEPS. I`M BACK. lols. actually. i`m back like ages ag0 . erms.. 0n sat night. 8 plus bar. hahs . HURRAY. BANGKOK WAS NICE. LOLs . esp e SHOPPING PART.whoo hoo . hahas . b0ught LOADS of thangs. hahas .t0ps . and 0ne skirt. hehes . and super ALOT of earings! come on . its like one pair of earing c0sts 20 baht . and tats a few CENTS in sing $$ . hahas . hmms . the first dae dere. bef0re i went dere i MSG all my frens tat i`m g0ne . hahas . hais . MISSED DEM LOADS when i was dere . my GOD. lols . hmms. okhays . we checked in den we went t0 MBK. a super GOOD SHOPPING CENTRE.. hahs.we sh0pped.. den we went back t0 h0tel . dr0p 0ff 0ur things. den went t0 BIG C . hahs . an0ther super g0od sh0pping centre. hahs. which ish like next d0or nia !! hahs.o yea.. jus rmbed. we went t0 pray the f0ur face buddha. den mbk.. hahs .ok .. den the next dae. we went t0 big c t0 sh0pp a while nia. den we g0 f0r a t0ur t0 the ancient city. wa its realli very interesting. the ancient city is located 36km outside bangk0k.its actually a small island for replicas of historical places of buddhas or temples.hahs.i dun think ya guys n0e wad i mean. LOLs.x) hmms. we were dere f0r quite s0me time . den we went t0 eat.. SEAFOOD..wahh nicee sia ! the cockerls were so NICE.yumm yumm . hahs .ok.. dat ends the 2nd dae. the 3rd dae. we went t0 visit s0me m0nks dat we n0e . and 0ne 0f dem gave mi my first name. my frenns shd n0e lar h0rs hahs . xD we went t0 feed the catfishs !! s0 manii 0f `em. hhas. erms. an0ther m0nk we n0e 0wns the place t0 feed the catfishs. and when i sae alot.. i MEAN it.. its ALOT...0_0 hahs. a few th0usand barhs. hahas . if i g0rt upl0ads the pics. den i sh0w eu lar h0rhs. xD okhays. den the next dae... we went t0 tw0 temples. hahas . quite b0ring lar. i n0t s0 int0 this thingg. hahs.m0stly ish my parents.haahs. okhays . den the last TWO daes were hardc0re SHOPPING .~ !!! hahas. very VERY nice. =)) ok dat kinda summaries wad i did in bangk0k..hahas. i`ll bl0g in an0ther 0ne. c0x i use up alot of space. hehes.
Sunday, November 13, 2005!
HandWritten on; 12:27 AM
ELLO ppl . l0ls .i`m g0na be GONE ! hahas . f0r 7 daes.!! l0ls . hehes . mi g0ne t0 bangk0k . I`LL MISS YA`LL. l0ls .. haix . miss ALOT OF PEEPS...=(( s0 sadd .. hahas.. haiz.i g0 dere will start sh0pping all dese... hehees. sh0p fer my peeps als0 . hahas . hais.. dunch n0e why this time i so so so dun wna g0 , haha . miss ppl ma . x)) hmms ... w0nder i disappear f0r 7 daes wad wld be happenin nehs.but i c0me back 0n sat .. den sun g0rt perf0rmance .OMG.. so stressful ~~ !! w0nder if can plae well n0rt. hahas ..esp tat d0ng feng p0 .. l0ls . hmms .. well.. i GTG NOW LER . BUHBYE YALL . BLOG WHEN I COME BACK . MUACKS! ^^
Monday, November 07, 2005!
HandWritten on; 8:13 PM
ellos~.hahas. todae. ish one b0ring dae. went t0 watch sky high again . with enn and jas. . at shaw plaza. and we saw darren.. jun jie.. huiting... and j0lene.. ok. lols .. mi and jas saw darren at first and we were likeHAR????lols.i was like.. omg .. h0w c0me he here sia?? lols.hmms.. den we watch finish movie.. we quickly go out. lols.den we went t0 spamz t0 plae p0oll..wah. play tw0 games nia den need t0 go back to sch.. lols.den at sch bus st0p dere. saw the two GUYS again . omg. lols. den saw. s0me ppl den i dinn wna see. lols. haahs . dunch tell ya wh0 .. haha. hmmsc0 was like tw0 h0urs. haix . mr lee sae we play n0 g0od t0dae. but. we t0ked lesser... lols. okhays.. at least tats 0ne impr0vement. haha.hais. s0 SIAN now. maple 10.45 den can play . ahaha..haix.hmm .. i LOVE WANG ZI BIAN QING WA NORHS..!!! i ai shang ler dang 0u . s0 shuai . s0 CUTE.. hais . but tat st0ry is realli a t0ng hua lar.. l0ls. t0 have such a perfect ending and t0 get everything eu ever wanted .. hais .. s0 ... xin fu l0rhs. haix . h0w i wish i can have my 0wn t0ng hua . hahs .whicih i think its imp0ssible n0w c0x i`m 13 and my parents think guys these daes all they wna d0 ish jump 0n a gal dey se..-_-...HAIX..=) wekk i gtg . MUACKS yall . bye! xD
Saturday, November 05, 2005!
HandWritten on; 7:48 PM
hi.peeps. haiis. so sian now . but todae..WENT OUT WITH GOR GOR DEY ALL.. lols. funie sia see dem . i see dem at first canort stop luffing . hahas . dunooe why .haahs . den we went to swensens to eat. den the two guys sae too ex liao. dunch wna eat. den . we three gals see and see. also think too ex ler.den.. we pai seh to leave den .. cox drink their water liao ma. so we order only . ONLY fries. the waitress was like . ONLY? lols wah seh so paiseh . lols. hais. den we gals went to watch movie . [SKY HIGH] den e guys went to walk walk.. dey din wna watch. lols.. wah sky high ish VERY. very very interesting lorhs. haha. hmms.. even mae mae dun like super hero all this type also like this. lols... den now . i am SO SIAN. dunoe why suddenly my mood ish like so dapened.. hais.saddness. and my heart aches for no reason lately . WADS WRONG with u heart ?!! haiix.. now i am so .. moodless. cant smile. not sure why. hais... =( jus feel like crying and crying and CRYING .. but .. i`m like dried out of tears.. hais.. hmms.. i now go... dunoe do wad lar. bye.
Friday, November 04, 2005!
HandWritten on; 6:06 PM
YO. supp ya`ll . aahaas.today went out with mae mae .hmms.where else to go but PLAZA lar hor? lolsh.. although we two have been dere like a SUPER DOZEN of times . but still we dun mind going dere and we dunoe why. lols. well . we went dere .. den went to toa pahyo. den united square. den back to mae`s hse. lols. i at her hse bloggin s0memore . lols. hmms ...my n0se is currently superbly BLOCKED.. lols . so i canort reallii tok to her.. now she playing her piano outside. haahs. hmms . i HATE it when i have blocked nose.. i canort BREATHE.. den breathing thru the mouth is so irritating. arghhs . lols . well .... no choice lar hor . haha.. well . i wna shout out to YAOZU GOR GOR. MUACKS! thank YOU so much for hlpin mii LVL UP to lvl 30 !! HURRAY. =) hahas . i`m tokin abt maple. n0w i can bec0me cleric lo~~ . whoohoo . ! gor gor wan sui !!! haahs . this isnt the first time he helped mi somemore . oo lols. hahas.. lalala..~ cant WAIT for tmr c0x .. I`M GONA MEET BRIAN GOR GOR . ! whom i haven seen in AGES.. since the june holis den i never see him ler.. wah seh . saddness horhs. lols. we`re going out with . MAE. PAMJIE. LIANFENG. lols. goin where? ps again lorhs . hahas .. as if we gort anywhere else to go lorhs. LOLs.. ><>
Thursday, November 03, 2005!
HandWritten on; 2:17 PM
*yawns* HEYs yall .i`m staying at h0me tadae . later maybe going to parkway.. haix. soooooooooooooooo SIAN..nth to do sia. now downloading limewire.. hehe..nth to do sia.. =(i WNA WATCH WANG ZI BIAN QING WAA .~~ !!itss so nice nice nice !! hehehs.aww mans its so romantic to have fairytale life.. haix..dang ou hao shuaii sias. hahas..hais. the greatest thing in life is . to love and to be loved in return . x) true ma hor.. lols. haix.. hmms . well nth to blog ler . BYE
Wednesday, November 02, 2005!
HandWritten on; 8:31 PM
HELOOOO ~ yall . haahs .
here i am to BLOGiee agains .
haahs . todae went out wid maee maee .
so FUN. hahas. luffing practically e wh0le DAE ..
haash .. well . we went to PLAZA . den go to COMPASS point . haahs . wahh . on the train back to farrer park . we saw an uncle in the train . he very old liao lor . gort white hair and all . and not much hair also.. lols.. but WAH SEH. he COOL SIA. hahahas .~ he SPIKED UP HIS HAIR . UNCLE ! U ROCK ,. hahahahas ~ put SOME of our teenage guys ta shamee . haahahs .. he damm cute sia . hahahs .. mi and mae mae see at first was like . . OMG. hahas.. den .. i sending her smth using bluetooth. . we saw another user`s bluetooth name . ish called . ZHEN MING TIAN ZI . OMG . LOL .
we were luffing awae sia. lols . who so bhb go and name demself ZHEN MING TIAN ZI . wah laus ! hahahs .but when mae mae said zhen ming tian zi a bit too loud . a guy at one side. he looked at us . ii din notice but mae mae said he realli KEEP LOOKIN. so we suspect its him .LOLsh ! hahahs .. den went back to her hse and watched e comedy by RUSSEL PETERS . man he ROCK. hahas .. his j0kes are wonderful . ><>