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I want a puppy
I want to go to Australia again
I want to meet Jennifer Love Hewitt
I hope Taylor Swift comes to Singapore for a concert

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YooHoo. I'm Jessie.
I POP-ED into this world on 11June1992
I studied in BalestierHillSecondarySchool.
Heading to TEMASEKpoly:D!
Loves the colour red
ADOREs my Family&Friends.
I'm Funny, Friendly and Insane.
Drop a tag before you leave and enjoy your stay here. (:

Saturday, July 30, 2005!
HandWritten on; 8:43 PM

hiies ya`ll . xD
sho long timee neba bloggiie lerhx .

muahahahs .
sighs .
gort alot of things happenn .
esp ytddd
wahh seh .

i like pipe burst or somethingg . keep on cryingg like tat .
sighs .
nort c0x 0f him f0r 0nce . l0lshx
its my frenns ..

finally i g0rt them t0 sae tat they hate mii one thing . 0ther than tat i dunch think they hate mii .
l0lsh .
wah la0s . all 4 against 0ne .
sia0 lehs
0nlii en andd ka n0rt sh0 chamm l0lshx
sighs .
jas and an . . .
i dunn0e .
jas ish can still be frens larhs
an i still haben ask .
nvm larhs
i n0w feel much better lers .
muahahas .

hmmms ..
dae abter tmr gort ge0g retest .. SIAN .
i betta go and study lerh larhhx .
okok .

lovee yall .

Saturday, July 23, 2005!
HandWritten on; 6:49 PM

siighs .
ii`m tired .
i`m tired of everythingg .
sighs .
todae went out . sh0pped wif mae .
saww ya0 zu and his tw0 frens . x D and j0yce t0o . . l0lshx .
thenn .
i and her had t0 rush back . but thn g0rt separatedd .
t0o manii ppl . then she ran i walked c0x my FOOT HURTS . = S ..
thenn my parents came t0 fetch mii instead . l0lshx .
hais ..
tat was abt it ..

sigh sighs SIGHS .
ii and him has a pr0b again .
ytd . he t0tally din wna ans mii 0n e ph0ne .
thn . t0dae . msg him he alsh0 dunnch wna care .
sh0 like WTF .
its like 4 mths 16daes alreadii .
i hab NEBA lasted this l0ng .
but this relati0nship was neba passi0nate
i c0uld n0rt g0 0ut will him 0ne on 0ne ..
x ` ((
its alwaes like tat .
i dunnch n0e wadd life`s f0r anym0re .
i`m tired of sch
i`m tired of bgr

ARGHS ! i canort take it . i wna bl0w . i wna scream my lungs and my heart OUT .
i jus wna be like slping beauty .
nort her beauty
her 100 YEARS OF SLP ..
sighs .

i dunnch feel like bl0gging lerhs ..
buh bye .

Wednesday, July 20, 2005!
HandWritten on; 5:02 PM

hiies ya`ll .
x )
long time bor bl0g lerhs .
maybe cox gort nth much to bl0g .. harharhs ..
hmms .
3 events c0ming up ;;

hehees . although i n0rt in can0eing at all . but i wld wna sae t0 my frens at can0eingg ..

harharhs . h0pe they arent t0o stress .. t0dae they went t0 mac ritche ..
s0me 0f my frens fr0m 0ther class went t0 see the c0m afterr sch .
h0pe i`ll be hearing g0od news n0rhx .

l0lshx . .
tat 0ne we must dec0 a t - shirt
something like a DO it WEAR it thingg .
but the sch g0na pick the nicest t-shirt and the whole sch`s hab to wear it .
interestingg .. wonder wh0 tat createe pers0n wld be n0rhs h0rhs . x DD

`three . NATIONAL DAE .
omg . the m0st HEADACHING one . l0lx .
must hab st0res all these
and its like 0ur ipw w0rk 0r s0mething .. l0lsh
everiitime ipw we are all like drunk like tat .
all slpingg PIGGIEs .
harharhs .

okhays . .
then t0dae arhs.
erms . nth realii much happened n0rhs .
jus tat 0ur class ish the same happii g0 lucky class . x DDD
hmms ..
theres a new game in 0ur class .. l0lsh
the `DIAOing` game . l0ls .
mi and en hui jus startedd t0 invent it . l0ls .
and inventedd it jus by starting t0 s0me s0rt `dia0` r0ng jie . then
if 0ne 0f us LAUGH . tat pers0n l0ses . l0ls .
the first level ish r0ng jie .
sec0nd ish peng li .
third ish jie jie NICKY !
and last but seri0usly n0rt least .
ish marcus
wahh seh .
he verii diffficult t0 pass l0rhs . g0 and make all th0se RETARD l0oking faces . l0lx ..
i see less than 1 min luff lia0s .
wahh seh . SHI BAI SHI BAI .
harharhs ..

hmms . nth m0rr t0 bl0g lerhs .
i alsh0 alm0st g0ing t0 the wedding lerhs .
sh0 .

Saturday, July 16, 2005!
HandWritten on; 8:36 PM

HMMs . lemme see .
the most difficult word to understand in the world wldnt need to be the longest word in the world .
its jus 4 letters . 1 word .

L O V E .

harharhs .

i`m sh0 sure g0rt ppl guessed it .
harharhs .

well` i bl0gged abt l0ve ish n0rt bec0x i am tr0ubledd by it .
ish my fren tat ish in it . he d0nnt wna tell mii abt it . i alsh0 can see by his nickk .
sighs .
ishh she TAT g0od ?
euu dunchh n0e her pers0nality tat well lehs .
sighs . h0w c0me euu neba like f0rget her c0mpletely ???
aiiy0rhs . . .
buay ta han .. wakii call ...
x (((
nvm larhhx . . .

i amm sho SICK n TIRED of the teachers in my sch . . .
esp tat MDM WAN . ARGHS . YUCK much .
she ... arghs .
h0w i wish the class wld jus freaking REBEL HER . !!!
the 0nlii 0ne i n0e rebel her quite nicely ish WEN LONG !! x DD
muhahahahs .
sighs .
well`. nth t0 bl0gg lerhs ..
next time barhx.

Friday, July 15, 2005!
HandWritten on; 9:47 PM

t0dae sh0 happii !!!
c0x ,,

sh0 happi .
hehees .
and t0daae`s endngg turned 0ut sh0 much m0re better than 0ther times l0rhs . x ))
starting was shyy larhs . hehees .
as alwaes marhs .
okok .
lemee recap .

t0dae n0 c0 practicee .
then . mii and en huii went t0 tampines . t0 g0 and findd . brian g0r taii zii <3>
hmms .
wahh la0s .
mii and en hui ..
whahahs .
t0ok the freaking wr0ng bus then we g0rt a bit LOST .
LOLshh . fancy getting l0st in singap0re . l0lshx .

then we in the end t0ok a stupidd taxi
and f0und tat we were sh0 damm 0ff c0urse . LOLs .
but in the end when i saww himm
it was like ..
omgg .. i miss him sh0 muchh ....
x DD
sighhs . he siick n0rh ..
xim tia ..
sighhs . g0rt fluu . fever somemoree . !!
arghs !!

l0lshx .
okok . then we were like walking to macc`s .
tat was WHEN he finally toked to mii
ask mii go buy thing for him .
l0lshx .
taii zii jiu shi taii zii . l0lshx .
then arhs.
he eat all these things when he sickk
aiiy0ry0rhs .

but in the endd. everiithing turned 0ut w0nderfull ! x DD hmms .
then arhs ..
he called mii a taxii when it was rainingg sh0 heavilly !!
heheheS .
x DD

mwacks .
and i lovee EN HUI f0r acc0mpanyingg mi t0daee

Thursday, July 14, 2005!
HandWritten on; 6:03 PM

0hh manns !
ytdd f0rg0rt t0 bl0gg !!
arghhs x !!
ytdd arhs
FUN sias .

c0x . the MAMA b0ii . marcuss .
we bet wid him .
t0 sit in fr0nt 0f SERENE .
f0r 30s .
with0ut lufing
at table`s length
i said t0 nicky ..
h0w can he stand it
see her face fr0m afar can0rt ta han lerhs .
l0ls .
30s ..
i dunch think he can take it l0rhs

thenn when it was a free peri0dd .
marcus t0ok a chairr and sat in fr0nt 0ff her
we all keep 0n saeing JIA YOUUs .
but he was kinda far sh0 when we askedd him t0 m0vee m0re in fr0nt
eu n0e serenee did
she went t0 take her file and WHACKK him
omg . then we all were like .. 0o0o0o0o0ohhh marcuss ,
LOLshh ..
then he was like ; wah seh . g0rt ph0bia alreadii .
l0lsh ..
wahh sehh .. funnii ...
x DD ,.

hmms . thenn . t0dae .. arhs ..
nth realli
g0rt 2 DAMM TESTS . ARGHx .
i g0rt headache l0rhs
wahh piang ehs .
sh0 sian t0dae
l0ls .
but the 1e1 students [some of them]
g0rt punishedd f0rr sc0lding e teach
sh0 pr0 lar theyy
well ..
i erms , , ,
nth t0 sae ler larhs
tmr then bl0gg agains !!! x DD

BUH BYEs , !

Tuesday, July 12, 2005!
HandWritten on; 8:12 PM

hmms . another daee at schh . l0lshh .
sh0 funni l0rhs t0dae .
g0rt the IPW presentati0n .
when mii and enn enn went up t0 present . omgg .
i dinn n0e i g0rt sh0 maniii "FANS" l0lsh
HEHEEx . n0 larhs . they are jus b0ys tat are disturbingg us l0rhs .
l0lshh .
JIE g0 and sae t0 us . ; eu`ll alwaees be my id0l ! w0 y0ng yuan ish eur fan !
LOLx .
funni l0rhs
then g0rt an0ther few b0is wheneba we sae s0mething ..
they sae : oo00o . ahhhh ... 0HH .
wahh piang ehs
sae until i and en hui carnt eben sae anything pr0perly with0ut laughingg . l0lsh

then arhs .
up t0 SERENE g0 and present
its like .. OMG . OMFG .OMHG .
harharhs .
all the guys buay ta han her l0rhs
acti0n du0 du0
sighs . l0lshh
funnii l0rhs
when the first w0rd she sae .
we were all like AHEM AHEM . l0lsh
i luff untill g0rt tears .
harhahrs . x DD

hmms .
well` . tats abt the funnii part larhs . harharhs ..
hais . i MISS HIM ALOT
sh0 sadd ..
i miss him i miss him i MISS HIM .. = S
h0w i wish he ish jus living next d0orr ..
saddness n0rhs..
taking abt him he call lia0s.
well bl0gg next time .
buhh byes !!!

Saturday, July 09, 2005!
HandWritten on; 4:37 PM

hiies everii0ne . xD .
n0ws the weekendds .
sh0 tiredd .
ytdd went t0 the 0pera thingyy .
harharhs .
bhss d0ne a w0nderrful j0bb w0rhs . cx

at least i can see whichh 0ne iish ping enn . harharhs .
n0rt tat pahh jia0 . .
teehees .

erms .
well . t0dae my hse ish like gonna be t0tally crowdedd .
23 ppl + +
harharhs .
cann see my babii c0usiinn !!!
kwiiittttttttttttttttt !!!!
whahahahas !!!

i hope i still can tok to hims norhs .
lolshh . miss him like siaoo .
sighs .
yytd dinn get a chance to tok to him .. =' ((
but t0dae c0me and bully mii sia he ..
he arhhs . l0lshh
bballl ish one of his life sias . lolshh
hmms . later thenn blog againss barhs .
MWARKS . buhh byes . x D

Thursday, July 07, 2005!
HandWritten on; 11:00 PM

sighs . t0dae ish lemme see . frm the m0rningg t0 end 0b schh . the rate 0f 1-10 . i think its 7 . .

okhays . t0dae g0rt pe .
sit ups .
standing b0ardd jumps . xD
tw0 0b my favvs cx in nafa
harharhs . .
hmms .
then erms .
the chii less0n i wna sh0ut 0ut t0 the 3 giants in 0ur class !

MARCUS . aka si la0 pian tai .
PENG LI . aka g0rilla .
WEN LONG . aka drag0n .
they 3 damm reb0und l0rhhs .
against chii teachh . muhahahas . xDD .
c0x she sae we endd 0f class n0rt all standd up .
then she sit d0wn t0 wait f0r us t0 stand and greet her . l0lshh
wh0 kneww th0se three g0 and purp0sely abter she sae s0mething abt siting and standing d0wn they 3 sit d0wn .
whahahas . luckily she nebaa d0 anythingg t0 them . l0lshh

cutee sia ..
hais .. sianzati0n b0rhhs ..
then t0dae went 0ut widd nic ; bc they al . l0lshh
all alm0st gangg rape sias.
harharhs . . >,<

hais .
i`m sh0rri . but the wae eu did that t0 mii was reallii .. saddeningg .
its n0rt tat i was tiredd then i d0 tat .
hais .
euu still dunnch n0e h0w i treat thinggs when EU d0 it ..
its .. like .. eu plae . but s0methimes i feel badd . sh0 .. tats why larhs .
aiiyarhs . i`mm n0rt sure eu get it 0r n0rt .. but .tats the wae i feel larhs ..
x C
i`ma freakingg deadd RETARD .
wadeba .

Wednesday, July 06, 2005!
HandWritten on; 7:11 PM

heys ! x D
hmms . well . the daee wass fine hehes .

erms . flashhback t0 ytdd`s debate . omg .
i carnt take it l0rhs . we all l0se face l0se like SIAO . but . luckilyy . the 2e2s were supporting ..
but i dunnch n0e if they all g0rt luff behindd 0ur backs ..
it was t0tally a disater .
i dunnch eben wna t0k abt it sias ..
harharhs ..l0ls .

hmms . . .
t0dae arhs . .
nth muchh . jus the same daes 0bb disturbingg ppl and laughingg 0ur hearts 0ut . harharhs . x )
esp rong jie . muahahahas ; x))
damm cute l0rh hee . harharhs

0 yarhs .
the 0pera ppl are practicingg likee sia0 .. sh0 ke lians .
but i am suree tat theirr eff0rts will pay 0ff derhs ! x DD
g0na g0 and watchh 0n frii ! =DDD
hmms . pingg enn g0na perf0rmm . mushh weii her jia y0u .
harharhs .

hmms .
mii miss himm sho muchh !
harharhs .
so damm l0ngg neba see him lerhs .
sighhs .

and pls .
i aint bitching eu
yanjun ish my JIE .
and she AINT EUR netballer .
acting as if eu 0wn her like tat .
sighs .
dun be sho mean ? pls lar . eu dunch speak like tat . nort then nort n0w .
sh0 . . . g0rt things t0 sae then sae larhs
i scared 0f eu arhs ?
sighhs .
i dunn0 . eu neba changed . . . and eu can act as if nth has eba happenedd .
pro actress . PRO .
shoo eu .

retardded ` insane mii . x DD